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Perched in the middle of nowhere, its form as cracked canyon seen from the sky, Vitally Creek, a small agglomeration which could pass for a modern town given the numbers of her inhabitants, was far away from what its name implied, instead of Vitality it could suck life out of someone.

The people more than the place, odious manners was hide behind good facades of socially acceptable so much that, the moment you see through it the base was already waste. Virulent is what they really were behind closed doors.

From the beginning of its territory to the end of it everyone knew everyone, it wasn't like there where new people coming over at all, in fact it was a rare occurrence, strangers wasn't something that was welcome in the very conservative and exclusive town.

People where very sufficient not in an egocentric way, but everyone knew their place, that is how all was built. All the layers of the society could mingle together without never really being in contact. Every one knew how to mind their own business.

That certainly explained why, one site was chosen to hold the private and public schools building of the Village, separate only by the road and layers of fences, no one ever discuss that arrangement, not once.

The day a young man of the region brought back a woman of a far county thinking love may suffice to live, it was all but what he had thought about that happens, Rejections , of all part.

The poor woman whose health was always at the best. Started having signs of stress after sometimes, which led her one day to be so out of sort that she did not see where she was walking and in a matter of second after leaving the house to go to her work, at the only place that had accepted her as a cashier, had screamed her sorrow in the big forest, in a near by bush where she had fell in a pit that was made by some hunters.

Her work place being at the other side of the Village, almost in another one, had her crossing the forest to get there quickly. Hunters traps was things she knew to be careful about. That one was bigger than others and well covered, her paranoid sometimes had her thinking it was designed for her to fall inside and die.

The result was dramatic, she could no longer be able to stay up longer or even do what she had become used to, Walk, to forget that she wasn't wanted there. To forget she had nowhere to go, no one else.

Maximilian, the man tired of having to take care not only of "a cripple" like he started calling her after only a month, but also of three children in a place where his family rejected him, just gave up.

One very dry day, Emilia, the name that made them hit it off the first time they met, with him implying there were made for each other because her name was sort of a component of his own making her weakened in the knees by how charming he said that, woke up to her children cries, tired of hearing them, she called and called her man again and again then decided to go see by herself.

That day, was the day she felt it, a deep but very deep pity for herself, she never felt so lost, there standing in the doorframe of her bedroom door she almost fainted, the living room that was once decorate and furnished was left bared, limping painfully to her children bedroom even though she could hear the cries of only one of them, her heart seemed to not stop beating wildly in her chest. Like it could fall out of it.

Opening the metallic door with shaking hands she almost had tears in her eyes when she saw that were all there, blinking to not cry infront of them she took Stacy, the younger one, who was crying in her arms an unhuman pain in her thighs making her tightened her jaws. Adding the fact that he took things even in their bedroom. Which kind of father does that?

Calming her daughter with small taps on her back she hide her face in her hair a moment to regroup.

Everything was painful, the most terrible of it was her nine years old reaction to all of that, she didn't cry or wined causing a pain that never left Emilia. untill this moment, she was there siting near the door, while her two others was playing after eating the small food that was left last night for them to eat per usual, Stye did not eat her part, leaving all to her sister. Emilia could support she had learned to. Closing her eyes her mind brought her back in time to that day.

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