Parents day. part 3

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Back in her bedroom Amethyst checked her reflection in the large mirror of her dressing room, her critical gaze studying herself from the texture of her skin to the amount of concealer she had previously applied.

Not satisfied, she decided it was not quite perfect, sitting back on her vanity chair, spine straight, she took the brush and all she needed to apply every thing to perfection.

The art of make-up she had learned first thing with her mother.

" A woman is nothing without makeup" she likes to say, but Amethyst knew for a fact that it was not Sam entire life, she still was wonderful. Opening her mouth, she applied her lipstick on her thin soft lips, coloring them with a clear gloss the color of her lips.

All along she hummed the tune going on in the background, still Dion in
" On ne change pas." (We do not change) the truth behind it was in tune with what she was doing.

Yes, makeup just sugar coated the reality of human nature, but it was how social interactions function. She remembered herself how proud she was when her own mother's accompanied her to the same meeting when she was younger, how proud she was then to have the most dazzling, almost unreal mother.

The kind of beauty she was and still was melted hearts not only physically but her kindness grew people around her.

That was how she knew her own daughter needs it too, even though she did not mentioned specifically, the appreciation in her eyes each time made it all worth all the trouble. One point. Sam unmistakable like through her roaming eyes. Two points. The rest attention in this case will be history, they were the two that counted.

Shaking her head approvingly to her reflection, she spread a tad bit of her perfume on the right spot then rose Moving her head with the rhythm of the music, its words going straight to her head, aware they could run late, she shut it off, heading to the door.

"Maybe we do not change but just put masks on us to appear as we want, but those are helpful in this society." She muttered to no one in particular in response to the phrases of Celine Dion lyric that said

"On ne change pas
On met juste les costumes d'autres sur soi
On ne change pas
Une veste ne cache qu'un peu de ce qu'on voit" ( We don't change We just put on other people's suits or costumes. We don't change, A jacket only hides a little of what we see).

Heading downstairs, she shook her head at the two parts of her heart who was eye's glued to the TV, the way they sat was clearly too comfortable to not have been long, they knew her too much.

Lily head rested on Sam shoulder, theirs fingers intertwined together, at one point of the anime's they both started to laugh shaking theirs heads.

That Chinese by the sound of it, could make that kind of animation was weird, an even greater wonder  was the fact that it had no subtitle had her bowels moved in a not so good way.

Here she was all accomplished but with no passion for knowing more than the two language that made her bilingual. While they both share the passion of languages, it  was the strangest.

Her daughter at her young age already knew three, here they were making sure she fulfilled the fourth one, when Sam was at eight she spoke perfectly! Where she found the time and even the envy was a curiosity.

Walking straight to the door, her perfume trailing behind her, she juggled with her keys the sound alerting the anime's fan who looked her way then at the TV clearly not wanting to leave it.

"I am not waiting for you. Close the door and meet me in the car."

Doing their best to not rolled theirs eyes playfully at her, they both nodded in one move, making her shakes her head at their synchronicity before disappearing behind the wall of the front door.

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