Stye 7

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Picking some veggies around her garden for the meal she wanted to cook later on. For the moment she had cakes in the oven, which left her time to go around. Mrs Barnes wandered her gaze around happy to see how it all grew so well. The small portion of plants took an L shape of the backyard that was rather larger that any other in the neighborhood. Smiling brightly she remembered how it all started.

Not really into agriculture or even gardening for the majority of her life, it took piercing green eyes glowing with excitation at the prospect of doing it to convince her. Scandal! All her family were using that word, it was just not her. All that was not educational related to books never concerned her.

Even caused raucous with her in law because of all the times she had rejected the slightest reference to going near their farm. Her mother in law did not speak to her for a solid three months until coming to better feeling.

Now that it was something going on for almost two years, she learned to love. It was appeasing to do. Nowadays flowers covered most of the surrounding of the house with art thanks to Stye who did searches on the best way to plant or what should be plant. What an angel of blessings.

Her guests always like to wandered around the house whenever she had them around. Not far from the kitchen entry the essential of what she needed for the kitchen could be found, the best quality according to her mother in law, whose life was tied to the ground, they were farmers material in their family.

Turning her head towards the backyard gate at the horrible noise it always does whenever someone push it open, thanks to her husband who always postpone to arrange it, her smile instantly grew larger showing her white teeth knowing who it was. Her left hands on her hip, she stopped collecting herbs waiting for Stye to come in sight.

Her twinkling green eyes were the first to be seen by the woman whose heart leaped forward at her good guess, it was a never ending happiness to have the little girl around beckoning her further in with her right hand, she turned her back to the young girl knowing it will force her to follow her inside.

After all this time she wasn't doing it without a little pressure. Like tiptoing around afraid to be unwelcome, which was the only side effect of her being abandoned by her father that could be visible. Cautiousness was a good thing in this world, to learn it younger, was also the better. Mrs Barnes thought walking away.

Following her without a word after closing the gates, Stye nodded without a word given she was a little further away to voice it. Mrs Barnes did not like shouting in distance to people, she  neither.

Entering the big kitchen, automatically inhaling the wonderful scent, her eyes all over the place amazed by everything, it was like entering in a TV show each time she came here.

Taking her usual spot at the end of the table near the door which made it easier for Mrs Barnes to not walk all over to hand her something or talk loudly to her. Stye crossed her arms together looking her way smiling happy to see her.

"Morning Mrs Barnes." Smiling at her the woman whose back was turned to her, finally headed her way with a plate in hand placing it in front of her.

"Morning Stye. Here, I want you to test this for me. I hope you do not mind? Okay then." Doing so she moved a hand sanitizer napkins her way on the table.

Sitting straight at the kitchen table, Stye mouth watered at the huge plate of food that was placed in front of her, chicken soup with rice, her favorite! her eyes traveling from it to the old lady a little overwhelmed.

"For me? Oh!Thanks Mrs Barnes. This look eurh, delicious." This was their thing to do. Sometime they will do the tasting together.

Laughing at her usual phrase that was more for reassurance that this much food was hers to eat than thanks, the woman shook her head then smile tenderly at the lovely eyes still on her.

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