Stye 10

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Retrieving suitcases form her brown new age Mercedes, her friend triumphally pulled out of the front seat a stack of journals, shaking them in the air for her to see.

Emilia deciphered them as being those foreign ones on photography Stye had seen on TV, it was no secret she wanted them. But Emilia could not afford them at the moment, they were living on the remaining money she had found, Mrs Barnes had assured her it could last a years well manage.

"She is there?" Mouthed with her right index pointing at their home, Charlie asked her eyes going from Emilia to the person with her like she was plotting something.

A smile on Emilia nodded grateful for her existence. It was a huge relief to have her there filling Stye days with her presence while her mother, was clearly missing in action. She treated her like her younger sister, finding all occasions to spoil her with treats.

One day she told her with such intensity in her eyes that she wished for her babies to be as strong as the young girl, she wanted them to grow with her as a model, someone to look up to.

Those words had made Emilia cried, thankful for the people that was already a family for them, it only have been three months but she considered them that. For the simple fact that they had already done for them what no one ever did.

Less than five minutes later the doorbell rang making her smile at the prospect of her favorite human being happiness, not that she did not love her others children but even for them Stye was the number one, she did not feel jealous at it. They had that general understanding that work.

Holding her hand up to stop her from moving toward the door, Emilia reached it pulling the door opened, dazed for a moment at the person revealed, she slowly smiled happy to see the so much missed face, responding to her smile Mrs Barnes nodded swallowing the fear that had clouded her mind for hours and months before.

Opening the door wide for her, Emilia had not completed the action that a scream of happiness was heard soon followed by two others and three bodies coming on Barnes as tornadoes.

Laughing happily the woman braced herself receiving in an instant the warmness of them.

"I knew you will come. You promised." Happily Stye said in the crook of the woman neck not letting go while the others did, her hands locked around it.

"Yes love. I promised." Caressing her back, Barnes pulled her up with her carrying her further inside feeling the small feet circle her waist as Emilia locked the door behind an all smile Charlie.

Taking a sit, she kissed Stye forehead tenderly her heart enlarged in a way she never felt before. Woah to have her allowing weakness to be shown, to leave her walls down in front of people almost brought tears in the older woman eyes looking up she met Emilia's loving gaze on them. It was like an official permission to take that place Stye had for her in her heart.

Caressing the small back she pressed her further on her. Everyone was silent a moment, even her younger siblings, understanding that this was a special moment because they could not remember a day where they had seen their big sister acting that way.

It was epic and heartwarming. Smiling at Barnes the two kissed her on her cheeks clearly letting her completely in too.

Seeing how her mother eyes were too shining announcing tears Charlie clapped her hand diverting the siblings and Emilia attention on her.

"Ah, who will get something from this bag Santa send in advance for, the most polite children in the world? Hmm who?"

Jumping around her, Prisca, the more daring one sat next to the woman her sister immediately doing the same from the other side per usual. Their dynamic was known by the adults, who Prisca accepted was done the same by Stacy but, and there was the real trap, that person first had to be agree by their big sister.

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