Parents day. part 2

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Eyebrows arched questioningly, she looked at the man deception visible on her face making him stopped the way he wanted to address her.

Leaning forward she doubled checked around, who was she kidding the gates would have chimed if someone else were there. Walking out in a bit of a hurry, relieved that the door was not completely visible from were her daughter was sitting, she closed it behind her before looking at him weirdly.

"What are you doing here my dear? We don't really have time to discuss."

Nodding at her curt words the man took in her attire clearly impressed. There was not a day he could recall, when he saw her out of sort. It seen like she was always perfectly clothed, perfection was a word that he always used to describe her. Her attire fit all the curves of her body, I was clear that she was dressed to impressed.

His eyes roamed her always perfect hairs dreamily, almost having her rolling her eyes at him, he could tell but did not care, their waves that seemed to never be out of the way even though she never tie them, cascaded around her strong shaped face.

He would have complimented her attire if it wasn't for those magnificent dark eyes, darkening at him the way he did not wanted. He was so enchanted by her beauty that they were like getting out of a day dream the moment he met them, all the warmth of the previous moment gone, it was clear that she thought he was someone else.

"Rogers... I don't have all the day." Her perfect painted lips parted again colder than her eyes, bringing him completly out of his daydream like one could after receiving a bucket of cold water on their head.

"No need to be so cold. Actually I'm coming with you. I..."

"You what!?... I think there is a misunderstanding here, can you explain that?"

Putting his hands in his pockets he looked straight in ber eyes sure of himself not even second thinking it through.

"If you let me finished. Okay, Lily school called me, in fact my office, to inform me of the open day apparently the parents are invite to talk about their work to all the clas..."

As he kept going with his explication horror started clouding Amethyst mind, not letting him finished she held up her perfect manicured hand stopping him in his track. Searching for the right words apparently she had her lips in a tin line pressing them together.

" First of all they have no right to do that. At all. You do not participate to her education, you know that, our lawyers too. You gave up your rights. Even though I let you in. This is not on you to decide. Now, I will have been very happy, really, for you to come. But, did you one moment thought about Lily will?"

"Oh come on TY, she is just a ch.."

"Do not call me like that!" The warning glare she was sending him made the man hands moved by their own in defense showing he understood.

"Okay okay, but it doesn't change the fact that she is a child, what kind of will is she supposed to have? The child never speak."

" With you.Yes, you heard me clearly. With you. She is clearly able to speak and act like a normal person. And the child that you are talking about has an IQ higher than you and most human. You know that."

Shaking his head at the way she subtly implied he was stupid but not taking it by heart. He could really not understand her, one of his hand started pating rhe side of his hairs attentive to not mess with his haircut.

"What are you trying to say? That I'm not welcome?"

Bitting the inside of her cheek Amethyst covered the hurt that she felt for him by and impassible face. A facade she always use in business that prove to always be useful when dealing with drama.

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