Parents day. Part 6

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Present times at Lily school...

Her mouth finally closed on those lines, calmly her gaze took in the people in front of her eyes. The auditorium was silent, not a words, not a single movement, they were all so calm, it was almost as if there were no one there.

Silence was the only  noice. Everyone from the younger to the adults had that same dejected face mixed with hopefullness on the edge. Sam could tell it was on Elena's late show of affection, but the general feeling was on Stye father and the villagers actions she just knew.

Silent tears too, some were sniffing that was the younger ones, the coolest doing theirs best to appear composed. Even Arthur Hat stubbornness could not resisted, he was clearly upstet for a reason his hand crossed on his chest it heaved many time his eyes defiantly set on Sam like he wanted to make holes in head. All the while his sister eyes was bloodshot in tears.

Sniffing could be heard from everywhere, Sam could feel Lily head resting on her chest, by the way her body moved against her she knew she was touched too. She was a little too clingy, holding her tightly.

All of them without exception did not know what being hungry mean, let even imply starvation. They were rich kids both emotionally and financially most were wealthy meaning the hole package of happiness, the attention and attachment linked with it. Not all good parents but most of those present were decent.

Many may thing money is that much important but Sam knew better and most of them did too. As did theirs parents whose side was so silent it felt like no one was in the place.

Amethyst amount them held a blank face knowing what was said was true, in a way she was from Vitally Creek and could only wondered how Sam could describe it so well. After searching in her mind she could remember that Stye child, a courageous one she remembered with flames of shame she felt uncomfortable sitting there. Resisting to get emotional she stood silent her head not moving an inch.

The lack of clapping was something that did not bother Sam whose eyes took them all in, for she knew the reason. The story was mostly a reminder of the hard reality they all had dismissed form their lives. Who want to think of less when they have it all? No one. But For her it was her line of life.

Closing her eyes a moment after cycling the students she opened them again slowly feeling really at peace within herself, feeling Lily gaze on her, she looked down meeting her limpid gaze this time linked to a wondering expression in them.

Like she could read her soul seeing behind all the words. Winking at her Sam caressed her smooth cheek smiling tenderly at before looking back at the audience.

All of a sudden charters filled the place like a bridge had broken, letting water flow in all directions. They were all asking questions with  theirs hands raised. It sound like the usual noise of a bustling open market during peak hours.

Mrs O stood up quickly holding her hands up to calm them down. The noise reduced considerably to almost inexistent by the respect they showed her. Which never failed to amaze the others staff members while proving the adminstration they made a good choice.

"Really classes is this how it happen? I am sure you did not forget you manners. No talking at the same time. Ms Carpenter will respond to your questions but we will do that properly with order."

Staring back at her in a "when you are ready we start." the woman whose hands were still up silencing the last echo of questions coming from The back finally succeeded to have the place decently calm.

After a nod from Sam she turned to the students. She pointed at a student to the far corner of the  auditorium.

"Yes Hardy. What is it you want to ask Ms Carpenter?"

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