Stye 11

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"The zoo for real!? Woah! This is wonderful! An amazing day! Do you think that there is Lions inside? And giraffes? I love the giraffes. But don't you think their long neck is uncomfortable mommy? "

Expectations on her face Stye asked her new found human being holding her hand tightly while the three of them walked toward the entrance. The car was left on the visitors parking a bit far away. A man walked their way seeing them coming from afar looking all business like. He worked in a zoo in three pieces suit! Wondering how that could be Stye scrutinized him carefully doing all she could to not hide behind her favorite human being.

"Elena! I was so happy when you called me. It had been ages since we last see each others."

Shaking his outstretched hand with real joy in her eyes, Elena smiled at him leaning forward they shared kisses on their cheeks. Emilia could only admired how poised she conducted herself in all moment.

"This is our honored guest."

Looking down her smile at the small girl holding his friend hand. Shaking her head at him the young girl took his hand in hers shaking it with confidence.

"I am Stye."

"Oh, feisty already. I'm Patrick, you can call me Pat if you want. AND I'm not surprised here, your mother was also one. A terrific one let me tell you." With a conspiracy face he finished letting go of her hand.

Smiling wide a him positive he was someone to trust she shook her head not correcting him, she even cut it short with what she added. A warning the the adults to not even try.

"I like it like that. Mommy is strong."

Already liking her the man that was bend to her level laughed loudly having his colleagues looked at him. Silent the two women waited for them to finish, both not surprised by the statement.

"WOW! You know what is strong like her too?"


Clapping his hands Bingo! He stretched his arm toward her like a gentleman ready to escort his date.

"If you will follow me Missy, I will show you the wonder of this marvelous world."

Laughing at his manners of the past century, Stye hooked her hand on him, image of Leoni immediately appearing in her mind by the way he acted with her. He even called her "Missy." The same way Leoni woud alway do!

Leaving the long line that seemed to be dragging out, they entered the door reserved to the employees, the directors and those with VIP membership. The crow could only see them disappeared behind those doors they desperately wanted to pass to get in already or wishing to be able to quicken things and get inside, the sun was not hard on them but it was becoming painfull to be standing there already for hours waiting for it to open.

They entered a large office with lots of  computers everywhere against the wall while people was sitting in front of someone. A very big screen hanging above them was showing what looked like a map of the zoo. With incomprehensible names on it.

It was also a checkpoint, a man that entered after inserted his hand mostly a yellow bracelet on it into a decide that made no sound, put his backpack in another machine then retrieved it and walked away.

All of it under Stye intrigued eyes. She understood what it was though, in back in her previous school those things was there, not as big but there.

"Here, as you just see this man doing. You should be wearing this when you will come here unaccompanied mostly. Like that we at the security post here will know where to find you at all times. It has a tracking device inside. If someone try to remove it from you we will know so do not worry you will be safe here even if it is a urge place. Understood?"

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