ch. 16 Abnormal morning

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Levi's pov

I frown while watching Y/n rock Eren to sleep. We just got home and it was already 7:50. And Eren's bedtime is at 8. I felt bad because yesterday Y/n was telling me all the stuff she wanted todo with Eren. Since he is now a month old.

Y/n gently placed him in his crib and kissed his forehead. She whispered something and exited the room. She sighs once she closed the door and lean up against it.

"I'm sorry we didn't celebrate his first month." I said pulling her into a hug.

She hugged me back and i felt her cold touch wrap around me.

"It's okay. There's always next month, right?" She faked smiled.

"Tch." She yelled as i picked her up Bridal Style. "Shut up, brat." I said walking to the bed.

"Your the one who surprise me!" She laughed as i gently placed her on the bed and got in with her. I pulled her close to me until there was no space between us at all and threw the blanket over us.

"Y/n." I called for her attention and she looked at me. "Do you think it'll always be like this?" She looked at me confused. "What i mean is. Do you think will always be this happy?" I explained.

"Honestly." She giggled. "This month has been shit." She smiled and buried her head in my chest. "With everything that happened with Mikasa and taking care of Eren. But it could be worst." She sighs.

I chuckled and tighten my arms around her.

"Imagine if i never kissed you when you said that I'm hot when i speak French." I smirked.

"Hey! Don't say that!" Her face turn red.

"Pourquoi (why?)" My smirk grew as she faced away from me.

"Levi" she giggled and playfully hit me. I chuckled and grabbed hold of her hands with one hand and used the other to make her look at me.

"je t'aime (i love you)"

She looked deep into my eyes and smiled. She slowly brought her lips to mine. Her soft lips were on mine. No matter how many times I've kissed it still makes me get butterflies in my stomach. But something about this kiss is different. It felt just as great as the others but it felt more filled with love. She slowly breaks the kiss and looked at me with her beautiful e/c eyes making me smile like the fool i am for her.

"Do you believe in soul mates?" She asked.

"I don't to be honest."

"Ahh i see." She nods her head.

"Why?" I asked because she had a curious facial expression. She smiled and rolled over to lay on top of me.

"I had a dream a couple nights ago. I think it was in the 1800s. It felt so real!" She started telling me about the dream she had and i laied there listening to her while also studying her facial features.

Her dream was like something out of a Fairy Tail. Apparently i was a prince and she was just a normal girl in town. Then i had to get married and kenny chose her as my bride. She said i was a shitty person because i was only going to marry her to be king. Long story short she fall in love with me and so did i and we ended up with having a daughter named Kuchel.

"And we had a big room!" I chuckled and brought her close to my body.

"Okay, Y/n. You can tell me more about it when we wake up in 2 hours when Eren wakes us up."

She looked at the time a groan.

"Yeah we should get some rest."

With that said we both started falling asleep.

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