25.Honeymoon Storms

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Khalil POV

I sit up as the door close, I pull myself out of the bed and walk towards the picture sitting up on our chair, I grab it and sit down, I stare at her face her smirk warms my chest and I sigh.

Me:I'm gonna get you back. That's a promise... And I'm gonna work on myself until then.

Janelle POV
I spit the blood out of my mouth and glare at the man.

Me:Tell me why I shouldn't kill you now?

His grunts and struggles with his binds and I see him move his tongue around to the places his teeth once were.

Man:You're people will pay for the death of our brother.

Me:He wasn't apart of your brotherhood yet, so the murders are not necessary!

Man:A single death of ours means the death of 50 of yours each day.

Me:He hunted metas! We are innocent in this world!

Man:Nothing about you abominations are innocent. You're uncontrollable and run amuck!

Me:And you don't? You do not get to pick and choose who lives and who dies just for you to be apart of a cult. We are people just like you.

He tilts his head in defiance and I nod and pull a sword out the metal glowing with the intense heat.

Me:Give me a address.

Man:For what?

I grip his hair yanking it back.

Me:So I can send your face to them.

I wait staring into his eyes and he exhales.

Man:Nanda Parbat.

Me:I would say your death is Honorable but we both know that's not true.

I snatch the blade across his neck the skin and blood makes a sizzling sound but no blood drops, i put the head down and grab my phone googling the place, I snap seeing a box appear in front of me I toss the head inside and tape it back up before snapping sending it out with a smoke signal for them to pick up. I grab the bow and arrow and walking out picking up my jacket at the door. I turn around and I point at the body imagining flames as the body burns to nothing but a small pile of dust. I turn and leave closing the door.

When I make it to the hotel room I drop the cyanide into a small bag with the others and I toss the bow and arrow into the bag before sitting down grabbing my notebook. I start to write down what I learned.

Possible location, Nanda Parbat. They also keep small bottles of cyanide in case of capturing to avoid interrogation another part of the group is called Taila Al Ghul that is female based I have only ran into six of them. All speak fluent Arabic.

6 Months Later

I cross my arms seeing him leaned over a tower.

Me:I thought technology was passed the large towers era?

He jumps and gives a humorless chuckle once he sees me and turns back around.

Philky:Long time no see... Or hear.

I sigh and walk closer.

Me:I know you've been tracking me. And wouldn't let my bank numbers drop below a certain number even if I had the money. So that's technically hearing from you.

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