5.Crushes Only Crush The Crusher

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Janelle POV

I sit with Perenna in my library, she looks around and nods.

Perenna:I see you've made this place yours.

Me:Yeah... I'm thinking about going back to boxing.

Perenna:Did you talk to your father about that?

Me:*shrugs* I don't see the point, I don't want them seeing me fight anyone anymore. All I need is his permission to fight and I got it. He said I could so I am.

Perenna:Have you spoken to your mother?

Me:No, the girls are back in the house as you know but it's not the same. Jen has her friends Anissa is going off to college for the year and I'm just hanging with Khalil.

Perenna:He's 13 now right?


Perenna:How has your relationship been?

This conversation is starting to sound weird.

Me:We're fine, he's gotten better dealing with Keenan's death and his anger surrounding it. He's doing baseball now.

Perenna:That's good. So he'll be doing baseball and you'll be boxing-- fighting, won't that put a strain on your relationship?

Me:*chuckles* What relationship? We're best friends, we have different lives.

Perenna:Yeah but you spend alot of time together it'll feel weird. Especially seeing as he's your closest friend.

Me:He's my only friend you can say it. *laughing*

Perenna:You don't feel left out when he hangs with others?

Me:No, why would I? If I want to have friends... I'd have some, not everyone is rude towards me. I'm just not a people person.

Perenna:Then why are you and Khalil friends?

Me:He actually made this friendship, he was a sweetheart.

Perenna:And nobody ever tried afterwards?

Me:Nah, people have told me I look mean and that the rumors that surround me aren't the most inviting.

She nods and holds up the book I look at it then at her. I don't need this anymore.

Perenna:If you're gonna be around those hoodlums you'll have some serious stories that'll get to you. Use this.

I nod and soon I'm looking at my dad's office. I thank her and I lead her out of the door. Before jogging upstairs and changing into some workout clothes and going downstairs, I put the punching bag on the hook and make sure everything is in place before I turn on music and start to work out.


Time Skip 8th grade Graduation

Mr. Lee:Now a few words from our valedictorian Ms. Janelle Pierce.

I look at my family and mom and Anissa look surprised but proud. My dad, momma P all yell for me and I stand up walking to the podium. I take a deep breath and smile a little.

Me:Something my dad always told me was that no matter what life throws at you, you catch it and continue to move forward. This school has taught me a lot about that. From the fights and arguments, from the field days to the field trips. We all are going to have to take on high school and this will be one of the biggest curve balls we face but I know this class will take on that task and accomplish it and even if you don't that does not make you. Continue to reach for the stars class of 2016.

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