28. Homicidal Phase

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Janelle POV

I wake up with my head banging, I sit up as I do I feel a weight on my neck, I frown and feel only to wake up completely trying to yank whatever collar they put on me. I stand up and run to the bathroom and try to yank it off I see the slighty thick and heavy black collar on my neck. These bastards! I try to yank it off again but it's not working. It's messing with my powers, how...

I look around seeing we are in my grandad's house, I rush to the door and open it, I walk down the stairs and see my traitors all sitting around, I glare at them.

Me:What the hell is this! Are you crazy!?

Anissa:Okay, calm down Janelle, it's only a-

Me:A collar! A freaking collar, like I'm some dog! If I leave the house am I gonna get electrocuted?

They all move their eyes away and I shake my head, I turn and head for the door I hear everyone telling me to stop but I continue to walk, until I make it to the end where the sidewalk is and I feel myself collapse, my bones on fire. I feel someone pick me up and it automatically stops I move out of their hands as I feel a slight humming in my body, that's how I'll get out! I'll find a weakened area. I look around and then start to prowl the perimeter.

Jennifer:What is she doing?

Gambi:Looking for a weakened spot in the fence.

Anissa:Can she find one?

TC:No, we made sure to get every single square inch bordering the house. The only way she can get out is unless one of us takes it down.

Gambi:And it's another one around the block.

Anissa:Should she be hearing this?

Gambi:Doesn't matter, we know what to expect from her. We'll be ready.

I turn and glare at them. Rogue bucks at TC and he flinches almost falling, she smirks but I push her back. She's such a bitch.

Philky:Dude, she's not gonna hurt you.

TC:She looks like a angry tiger! And I'm on the wrong side of the glass. I can't fight unlike any of you. Let alone shoot a gun. I'm a sitting duck.

I look at the trees looking for some kind of device but it's damned summer, I stick a hand out and I feel that sensation I yank it away and curse. I look for upturned grass but to no avail even if I did I wouldn't be able to dig it up. I walk farther into the lawn and lay down, I look around trying to find-- they can't control the air... But I can't fly.. But I can get on the roof.

Brandon:Now even I know she's not giving up.


I close my eyes and let out a extremely loud exhale.

Me:I have to work.

Gambi:No you don't.

Me:I need-

Jennifer:No you don't.

I get up and glare at them. I smile at an idea I stand up rushing into the house, I rush to the kitchen and I go to dad's whiskey and I uncap it I turn the bottle upside down as I gulp the liquid down, I hear my dad yell no and snatch it from me, but half the bottle is gone.

Dad:What are you doing!? Why are you trying to get drunk?

Jennifer:She can't get drunk she just wanted to scare you.

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