18. Understanding The Misunderstood

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Third Person POV
Time Lapse FYI

Freeland, Georgia

The Pierce family makes their way home, from the airport. The family hasn't been the same since that night Jefferson came from sending Odell to the hospital with police escorts. The news about Janelle and Khalil leaving made the atmosphere stuffy. Jennifer feelings in turmoil , on one hand it's probably a good thing that they are gone, they did cause a lot of problems but at the same time she can't help but want her sister here with her, if anyone understood her it was her.

Anissa was pained to know she may never be able to make amends with her younger sister, no matter how mad or how determined she was about hating her she was the only one who could keep her on her toes and to be honest, back when it came to anything Janelle was bright, not like an artificial flash but like the sun if you stared too long you'd go blind without any regret from her and that made Anissa proud.

Lynn was stunned, she felt hurt but her reasonable mind kept telling her that this was normal most runaways run away on more than one occasion, but something felt real about this time, that searching for her would be useless, that she wouldn't allow anyone to get in her way this time. She's gone.

Jefferson was the most pained by her leaving, but he knew trying to make her stay would push her away even more. He felt like he failed as a father, did he not stick up for her enough? Did he show her she was great when she felt like a failure? Was he too clingy with her? What did he do wrong? Will he ever see his daughter again? Did he deserve to see her again? What can he do to make her feel comfortable enough to come back home? Are they okay? Is she still with Khalil? Has Painkiller killed her yet or has she killed him?

After a day of her being gone Jefferson couldn't deal with it and walked into her room, still in its perfect condition, the melon and cucumber everything she used still loud in the room, her favorite throw over the end of the bed, her vanity covered in her hair supplies, pictures covering her walls, different drawings covering the walls, Jefferson goes to sit down when he sees underneath said favorite throw, four books sitting underneath. All leather bound with numbers carved in the middle, he picks them up and stacks them, he grabs the first book that's in perfect condition. He closes the door before sitting back down he opens the book his eyes widening at the year.

3 August 2009

Jefferson closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

Jefferson:She's not dead Jeff, she's just not here. She left them out on purpose.

He starts to read.

Dear Whatever this is supposed to be, I learned that keeping track of things is the best way to control your thoughts and that's what I need, I had something weird happen to me the other day, I felt weird, like my head was banging and my body felt like it was being electrocuted, I couldn't see a clear person, my eye sight seen something like currents flowing through everything even plants I didn't know they had so much energy inside of them like this!

All I remember is my mom with me in the hospital the currents were extremely strong inside that one room, my head felt like it was gonna pop and I didn't know how to explain it to the doctors, all I remember is wanting it to stop my mom was gripping my hands extremely tight before yanking them away, I remember hearing her saying I was being electrocuted by the stuff I was connected to but I don't remember feeling that kind of sensation.

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