26. Surprises You Can Keep

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Janelle POV

I unlock the door to loud people, I hold it open for the others and the house gets silent.

Me:Hello, family.

My dad is the first one to meet me at the door but he slows at Khalil and Brandon.

Me:I thought these two might make your birthday a little more,Memorable.

I hug him and he chuckles and hugs me back kissing my forehead. He keeps me under his arm as he holds his hand out for Khalil. Khalil smiles and shakes his hand only for my dad to yank him in and hold us both under his arms in a headlock position.

Dad:If you two ever disappear like that again, I will personally hunt you down again. Understand?

Me:Just say you miss us and call it a day, old man.

We laugh and he hugs us again before pulling away, Jennifer jumps on my back and I groan falling onto the ground gasping for air she smacks my forehead and I glare at her.

Jennifer:Why is he here?


Jennifer:I mean Brandon.

Me:You said you were still single... He is also still single and I know you missed him so why not.

Brandon:Hey Mr. Pierce, Jen.

They both scoff and I look at him.

Me:Don't worry it's always difficult the first time you go M. I. A the next time they'll be more opening, trust me.

Grace:It's great to see you guys!

I'm helped up and we hug her, Anissa hugs me and pats Khalil on the shoulder and the same for Brandon. Soon we are in the living room and catching up.

Me:So how's college treating you, Jen?

Jennifer:Would've been better if my sister was there.

I grin and shake my head.

Me:I told you if you needed help I would help you.

Jennifer:It's not the same!

Anissa:The last thing we need is you two together.

Me:Why not? She'd be the queen-

Jennifer:Shut up.

We laugh and then questions are asked about Brandon and where he came from.

Brandon:Janelle, found me in Kansas threw me against a wall and forced me to come up to visit.

Me:I didn't force you, stop lying.

He laughs I look at Jen.

Me:He really came to see how Jen was doing. She was the first person he asked about.

She mugs me and before the awkward moment grows too much. I turn to my dad and smile.

Me:So old man, how does it feel to be really old?

Dad:I'm only 50, Jan.

Me:Yeah, old. Speaking of which where is this marathon?

Anissa:You didn't look at the website I sent in the groupchat?

I muted that a year ago.

Me:Oh yeah, but I think we all should start getting ready for dinner.

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