13.Something New, Something Used

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(An, Wow HI there this is big time jump alright? This takes place after Khalil dies right after Janelle gives Ms. Payne the money. Hope you remember what I'm talking about (if not it's chapter 20)

Third POV

Odell and Major Grey watches Janelle from the shadows of the night, the serum in her system slowly bringing her down, when she makes it to the corner and passes out Odell turns to Grey.

Odell:Are you sure the gas is constantly being passed into the Pierce and Gambi households?

Grey:Yes sir and the double is ready to take her place until we bring her back.

Odell:Grab her.

Grey speaks into her comm and a black truck comes up and pulls Janelle Pierce into the van, the vehicle quickly gains Odell and Grey as a tail as they head back to the pit to tinker with their new toy.

When Janelle wakes up she is strapped down to a table, her eyes heavy, she sees a man walk up to her and smile, her eyes barely open at this point. He looks at something next to her and that's all she sees before she's back under.

Odell stands with Doctor Lawson as they watch their four new weapons in their pods.

Issa Williams

Wendy Hernandez

Khalil Payne

Janelle Pierce

Odell:Are they stable?

Dr. Lawson:Yes sir and like you asked for Ms. Pierce she has the new technology installed.

Odell:Run that by me again please.

He pulls up a screen from the glass as he brings up Janelle's profile and a close up of her face in the pod along with her vitals. He does a zoom in of the twirling model in the corner.

Dr. Lawson:Ms.Pierce has the liquid nanotechnology in her system that has been slowly injected into her system that will slowly reduce into normal white blood cells. The main source has been implanted in her lower spinal cord we used the technocrats data to be able to hide it. It is 100% Fool proof so far. Now what's left is your programming.

Odell:Have we done this with the others?

Dr. Lawson:Yes sir, but we had to use the original technology with Mr. Payne due to the sensitivity of his case.

Odell:That's understandable. Leave these two to me. The other two I will program. Move them into their rooms.

Dr. Lawson:Yes sir. But sir, if you are not ready for either of those two to be wakened you must move them as little as possible especially Ms. Pierce she's basically sleeping. She woke up during her transfusion.

He nods as they pick her pod up completely before moving her. He looks at the tablet in his hands before walking to his office. He sits down and looks at the two children's profiles both are bright but can grow in some places in his opinion. He calls for Major Grey, she comes and stands as he continues to look at their profiles.

Odell:How long do you think she will stay asleep?


Odell:Ms. Pierce... She's a strong one, like Mr.Sykes.

Grey:That is her relative, sir. Isn't that what we were looking for?

Odell:Yes, but if that's the case, we should take her twin in. Why didn't we?

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