32.The Plan, The Final Mission

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Janelle POV

It's been a week by now, Rogue has told me that Maya sent my father, TC, Grace, Gambi, Jennifer and Brandon home, everyday I'm put in this room my blood taken, questions asked, but now she's not as comfortable with letting me Bullshit the questions.

I sit with the new drip in my arm as she sits behind the camera, after my usual introduction.

Doctor:So today we are going to go back to an incident that happened when we first started our conversations, we seen that you threw up and literally banged your head against the floor cracking it and your skull in one go, that had to hurt especially seeing you didn't heal quickly.

Me:That's what these collars do to me, fascinating isn't it?

Doctor: Should we be concerned about self harm Mrs. Payne?

Me:Maybe I'm not so sure anymore.

Just as I say that I push the venom into the drip rather than my blood. She looks at me.

Doctor:Why would such a gifted young woman like yourself want to end her life? Things certainly couldn't have been that bad.

Me:Just because our hells look different doesn't mean that mine is less hellish.

Doctor:You're married, have your own property, own vehicles, work at your friends bar casually, what's the issue?

Me:I'm not sure... Maybe that's the problem.

She blinks taken back from my answer, I know she expected me to be upset but I'm done with it.

Doctor:How do you de-stress after a bad day at work? You know the bar, please be as honest as possible.

Shouldn't she have started with these kinds of questions?

Me:Sleep, probably have sex, watch TV. Don't usually have bad days at work.

Doctor: And how long are your naps and even sleep periods?

Me:I don't need a lot, never slept more than five hours, six max. Naps are 2 hours max.

Doctor:And how often do you have sex? Let's do daily, weekly.

I squint at her before looking straight ahead, just as she realizes that I'm not going to be speaking, she grabs some small remote and I suddenly feel that same nerve burning pain in my body from that other collar, I clench until she releases, I suck in a inhale as she smiles.

Doctor:So that answer?

I look at her before rolling my eyes. Might as well lie, not like she knows the truth. I've told her to stay out of my personal business.

Me:A regular month?

Doctor:That works.

Me:Every day.

Doctor:I'm sorry, did you just say every day?

Me:Yup. That's the only sort of... High I can get, nothing else works so I do it every day sometimes three times a day. If I'm feeling more down than usual.

Her face is so red I grin and close my eyes tilting my head down. I'm so exhausted.

Doctor:What kind of shows do you watch?

Me:Every show my sister and friends recommend to me. From Gory to sappy. I don't really watch tv for my pleasure.

Doctor:Have you ever had to change your behavior, either at work or home, if so, why did you have to change, and how did you change?

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