37.Taking My Life Back... For Good

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2 Years Later

Janelle's POV

I stand on the grave my heart beating out of my chest it feels like. I drop to my knees my mouth watering. Before I can open my eyes again I'm in a wrecked city, my ears can only catch another's breathing. I look up and see someone floating above me. I stand my body staggering as I become stable.

"You had one job, just one, and you failed... Miserably, what kind of hero are you? What kind of woman are you? You did all of this, and for what? To die? Pathetic." I slowly float to where he is, the setting sun finally sheds light on his face and I gasp. He tilts his head and smiles, just like my father.

" You're such a hero right? Everything you do is for everybody you love right? Sucks for everyone then because you love no one." I tilt my head higher to look at him past my nose.

"If I didn't love you, you'd be dead. But I hate when my feelings aren't acknowledged. Never knew someone who was created by two intelligent people can be so stupid." His head jerks back from the remark and before he can open his mouth I snatch his vocal cords, and breath before dragging him towards me, my heart still thundering like crazy in my chest hurting it. His eyes widen and I feel Rogue take over.

" We were going easy on you, until you thought you were doing something. No one likes a big mouth runt!" I grab his neck and slam him into the ground, I feel my nails nick his skin as I throw him. I follow my throw landing on top of him as he slams into the ground creating a crater. I grip his neck lifting him up his hands scratching at my arms and hands.

"Janelle! Don't!" I turn seeing Philky, his face is bloody, his chest too, I feel the rain drops hit my body as it starts to pour. I look back at him before throwing him back into the ground. I hear his bones in his spine snap then snap back together.

"Never took you for the murderous type, but I guess I had to get it from somewhere right mom?" Before I can stop myself I'm back on top of him and I slam my hand back to his neck. I stare into my defiant, pain fuelled eyes, the same ones I've stared into to see the darkness I held for years.

" Once I kill you, I'll kill him, then our family, then each and every person on earth. And it'll all be because of you." I squeeze harder before I lean closer to his face.

"You don't know what I've survived, I've dealt with everyone hating me, I can deal with hating myself for another reason. I love you, Gio." His eyes widen as my nails grow piercing into his skin, once they touch inside his neck I yank-

I gasp freezing in position, I turn falling out of bed grasping at my heart, I can't catch my breath, it feels like it's a stopper right at my nose and mouth. I push against the side of the bed shredding the shirt from my chest as I try to inhale.

Philky:Nell, Nell I'm right here come on breath, look at me.

I shake my head and before I can push him away he has my head pressed against the bed, I feel him press against my chest hard and suddenly my heart slows down and my breath gets passed my face. I take a deep inhale before sinking farther into the ground.

Philky:You okay?

I nod, he pulls me into his body and I start to sob, but tears never fall, all the pain wretching from my body.

Once I finally can find my own thoughts I pull away and speak.

Me:I'm sorry. I keep doing this.

Philky:It's okay, I understand I promise it's okay. You're alright. Let's get into bed, okay?

He lifts me up and sits us on the bed. I lay my head on his chest as I breathe. I listen to his heart beat to try to lock away another bad dream.

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