9.Leave It Alone

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Janelle POV

I sit in my room at my desk as I look over my new journal entry, I've been avoiding Khalil and almost everyone if I can help it. I don't want to be around anyone, I've stopped going to my fights because every time I go I get a visit from him. I hate myself for being able to say this but it's a scarring as it was the first time. I still hate it and him, I stopped burning my clothes because soon I'd run out. He caught me one day coming from school after helping my dad out. After that I never walked anywhere alone. I stopped wearing skirts and shorts and just wore jeans and jogging pants. I've lost my appetite for things that isn't water. I feel lost, I can't tell anyone because they'll just think I'm lying or making an excuse for why I'm acting out.

My mom is back to hating me, she doesn't really conversate with me when I am around her, she just watches over me like some warden,nothing new. Jen has been acting like a bitch again and Anissa, is Anissa she tried to curse me out for stressing everyone out and that I need to grow up. So now I stay in my room if I'm not in the basement, bathroom or with Uncle Gambi.

Right now Jennifer and Anissa are having a sister's day my mom is at work and my dad is somewhere. I get up and go to the kitchen and almost have a heart attack seeing Khalil sitting at the table. I'm not gonna have no kind of heart durability by the time I'm twenty. I roll my eyes and continue to the refrigerator. He sighs and I hear the chair scrap against the floor. I don't have the energy for this.

Khalil:What's going on with you? Why are you ignoring my calls, my text messages, you got your dad lying for you telling me that you're sleep. What's up with that, Nell?

Me:Nothing, I'm just not in the mood to talk to anyone and I didn't tell him to tell you that, I barely talk to him.

Khalil:Janelle, what's up? Why aren't you being yourself? We've never gone this long not talking to each other.

Me:Shit changes.

Khalil:Okay then what changed, you know besides the obvious weight loss.

I cut my eyes at him and slam the door shut before walking back up to my room him following me. I huff and slam my door but he opens it right back up, I sit on my chair and stare at him as he sits on my bed. I hate him. I chuckle and shake my head.

Me:Why do males do that?

His face goes blank before confusion covers it. Typically male behavior.

Khalil:Excuse me? What exactly are you talking about?

Me:That innocent facade, they do wrong and pretend that they didn't do anything wrong!

Khalil:Woah, okay is you cool? You smoking something I don't know about?

Me:*scoffs* Get out, Khalil.

Khalil:No, not until you tell me what the hell is going on with you! What did I do?

He stands up and I follow glaring at him, my anger slowly reaching it's peak, I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Me:You didn't come to my fight, and then-

Khalil:Oh, Nell I'm sorry okay, I had to meet my mom, the bus was rerouting and it let her off two stops before my house. I tried calling and texting you but you didn't pick up. I got nervous and went up to the place but you weren't there, I was calling you the whole time.

I huff and slowly drop to the bed, my head in my hands. I feel him sit next to me and pull me into a hug, I pull away automatically and sit down on the chair.

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