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"Ooh, new CDs," I cheered, digging through Lane's bag with Tessa and Rory. "Blondie!"

"Why Yoko Ono, is my question," Tessa spoke up. "She's misunderstood," Lane explained to us. We put the CD in and started listening to music together. "I have a favour to ask," Lane piped up, looking at Rory. "You know Dean?"

"My boyfriend?" Rory frowned. "Yeah, it's about his friend Todd, he's cool, really cool, which brings me to my next question..."

"Hey I'm studying!" Mom shouted from the kitchen. I turned the volume down on the CD player. "Sorry!" I called over to Mom. "Can you talk to Dean about talking to Todd about me?" Lane asked Rory. "Translation, Lane wants to go out with Todd but wants you to ask Dean to do it," Tessa laughed.

"Maybe the date could happen this weekend? Sunday? After church?"

"Oh my...."

"It's too quiet!" Mom shouted from the kitchen and I turned the music up a little. "So, Lane wants to be set up with Todd," I summed it up. "And maybe you guys could come?" Lane muttered. "Well, if Rory and Dean were there, it'll be a double date, we're single," Tessa pointed at herself and at me.

"Please!" Lane begged us. "Fine," we both muttered in unison. "Thank you!" Lane hugged us both. "I'll set it up," Rory smiled. "The six of us hanging out."

"Oh, my God, we're the third wheels!" I gaped. "Who do we third wheel?" Tessa asked me. "We take turns," I burst out laughing.


So, Dean set up everything, double dates and third wheels. Lovely.

We were doing this for Lane but Tessa and I didn't see much point of being there.

"We need the sparkly hair clips!" I shouted downstairs. "I'll get them now," Mom called back. She was going on a double date too, but with Sookie, Jackson and an unknown third party.

"Sookie, you look so pretty," Rory smiled as I came down the stairs and I nodded in agreement. "Tonight will be a disaster," she sighed. "No, it won't," I reassured her. "He likes you, just be yourself."

"Heather Victoria Gilmore!" Rory shouted from her room. I walked into the room while Lane was trying to choose jackets.

"Go for rhinestones," Tessa suggested. "What excuse did you give Mrs Kim?" I wondered, plopping down on Rory's bed. "That I'm spending the evening with you guys here," Lane told her. "Not a hundred percent a lie," Tessa shrugged.

"I have my mother handled, don't worry," Lane promised us. "Sparkle clips," Mom tossed the bag to me and I caught it.

She left the room and Lane looked at us. "Does Lorelai know? What if she tells my mom."

"I don't know," I shrugged. "She has this dislike for lying to mothers."

"The four of us go to the movies, we happen to bump into Dean and his friend," Lane suggested. "We'll call that plan B," I nodded.

"We're going to the movies," I shouted as we left. "Nothing dirty, violent or French!" Mom shouted back.

Tessa and I hung awkwardly in the back as the two couples were in front of us. "Regretting it?" I asked Tessa. "Yep," she nodded. "I sense no chemistry whatsoever."

"Do you want to leave?" I asked Tessa. "Kind of but it'd be bad if we did," she pointed out.

The two of us stood in silence for about five minutes and Tessa sighed. "Slip away discreetly?"


The two of us inched away from the line and walked down the street. "Pizza on the roof of Gazette?" I suggested. "And Battleships," Tessa grinned and we started running like mad dogs.



"Miss," I grinned. "Gah! How are you winning?" Tessa pouted. "I pick good places," I shrugged.

"Think we'll ever get boyfriends?" she asked me. "Eventually, Dave was my first boyfriend and I don't think I'll be dating anyone any time soon, all the guys in Chilton are too preppy and snobby."

"Like Tristan?"

"Ew," I shuddered. "He's alright looking but I'd never date him, what about you?"

"I just never had a romantic interest in anyone," Tessa shrugged. "I mean some guys are nice looking but I'm just not looking for anyone."

"Fair enough," I nodded, taking a bite of pizza before scanning the board. "F3."

Tessa stood up from the board, not answering. "I'm pathetic, I don't have love in my life," she sobbed. "I mean my dad is surprised that my punk self hasn't brought back a biker guy! Why don't I have a boyfriend?"

"I really don't know how to answer that," I muttered, standing up. "But it's totally up to you, you don't have to date if you don't want to, let them date but I'm sure the right person will come."

That made Tessa smile. "Truth or dare?"

"Oh, come on, seriously?" she groaned. "Truth or Dare?" I repeated the question. "Dare," she muttered. "Dare you to ping one of the Battleships at Taylor's head next time you see him."

"Ha! Done," Tessa grinned. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," I smiled. "Okay, I dare you to steal something off Nichols' balcony," she pointed down. "Anything?" I wondered. "Anything," she nodded.

I sat on the edge of the roof and I jumped down, landing on the balcony and I swore it shook. I picked up a cap and threw it up to Tessa and she laughed. The balcony started creaking again and I froze. "Do you hear that?"

"Don't move," Tessa freaked out. "I'm gonna get help okay, just don't move!"

"Tess, you're scaring me..."

The balcony suddenly came loose off one end and the entire balcony was hanging on by one pin. I shrieked as the sudden tilt caused me to fall and I barely managed to grab onto the railing and I was hanging from the side.

"HEATHER!" Tessa screamed. "Don't let go!"

I began to hyperventilate and I looked down and I whimpered. "I don't know how much longer I can hang on! It's freezing!"

"I'm going to get help! Just stay there!" Tessa shouted before going down the fire exit.

"Hurry!" I wailed, trying to hang on. It was winter in Stars Hollow, the metal was absolutely freezing and one of my hands already slipped. Tears began to run down my face, worrying what would happen.

I grunted as I held onto the ice cold metal with my bare hand but I knew I couldn't hold on much longer.



"Just let go, I got you," I heard Luke's voice. "Okay," I sniffled. I closed my eyes and I let go of the railing, screaming but Luke caught me and set me down on the ground. I hugged Luke, sobbing and he hugged me back. "Hey, it's okay, it's over," he comforted me. "Come on, let's get you home."


I sat on my bed, wrapped in my blanket, hunched up. Mom came into my room a little while later and sat on my bed. "Are you okay?"

I shrugged. "Not really, we were just goofing around and suddenly...you know the rest of the story."

"You could've gotten hurt," Mom said, worried about me. "Tessa's at home getting yelled at as we speak," I murmured. Mom gave me a hug and I lay down, wrapped in my blanket. "It was really scary, Mom."

"I know, you didn't expect old Nichol's balcony to give out," she murmured.

She kissed my forehead and lay down beside me. "Go to sleep, darling," she soothed me. "I'm here."

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