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"There's nothing in here!" Mom ranted, digging through her closet. "You're kidding, right?" Rory scoffed. "Everything in here, I wear," Mom told her.

"What about the halter top?" I asked her, pulling it out. "Nope, it's a classic," Mom argued. "With zebra stripes and rhinestones?" I frowned. "Not to mention the tassels."

"Evil!" Mom whined. "You helped organised this and volunteered to run it," Rory made a valid point. "Meaning you must contribute."

Rory and I stood beside each other. "Out!"

"No!" Mom guarded the closet. "This is unfair! Nope! Nope!"

Rory took out a chunk and threw it on the bed. "All of this goes."

"And look through your dresser to find stuff you'd be embarrassed to wear in a car accident," I instructed her before going downstairs.

Luke came in and smiled at me. "You okay?"

"Getting there, still some scary flashbacks," I told him. "I got pots and pans and I got clothes," he held up the two bags. "Clothes in living room, pots and pans in the kitchen," I told him.

"Grinch," Mom grumbled as she placed her bag in the living room. I went outside to bring some more bags in and I caught Mom looking into one of the bags. "NO!"


Sookie ran into the house in a very good mood. "You're going to love me, Lorelai!"

"We already do," Mom chuckled fondly. "I have here in my hand, six tickets to the Bangles at the Pastorella theatre on Saturday!" Sookie cheered. "Are those good seats?" I wondered. "Ninth row aisle," Sookie cheered. "So one for me, one for Lorelai, my favourite twins have one each then one for Tessa and one for Lane."

"This is going to be a very special night!" Mom cheered. "Which deserves.."

She pulled out a dress and I folded my arms. "NO!"



"As I mentioned yesterday," Ms Caldecott addressed us. "We will be holding a debate next week. Your subject 'Did Charles the First receive a fair trial' The pros will represent the parliament who deemed they had sovereignty and the cons will represent the monarch and try and prove that the charge against him was not legal. What is fascinating Mr. Dugray?"

I looked back at Tristan who was staring at Rory and I rolled my eyes. "Uh my notes," he lied. "Yes they are fascinating Mr. Dugray," Ms Caldecott nodded. "As I was saying, the pro and con teams will each have two minutes and 30 seconds for introductions, six minutes to debate, three minutes for conclusions and five minutes for questions from the audience. The winner shall be decided by a hand count from the rest of the class. Does that sound like fun Mr. Dugray?"


"The debate?"

"It does."

"More fun than staring at Miss Gilmore's ear?"


"I will assign your teams now," Ms Caldecott told us and she pointed at random people. "You, you, you, you, you, you, pro..."

She pointed at me eventually but I had zoned out. "Excuse me?" Paris stood up. "I wasn't sure who you pointed at."

"Well, you, Miss Lynn, Miss Swarbrick, Miss Gilmore, Miss Grant and Miss Gilmore," she told her.

Once class was over, Andrea and I walked over to the others. "So, we need a plan," Rory spoke up. "We need a place first," Louise spoke up. "My mother is having my entire house redone, getting rid of anything that reminds her of my father," Paris explained.

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