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"Why does Taylor hate me so much?!" I groaned. "He hates us both," Tessa grumbled. "I like going to the winter carnival, to go and have fun, not work for the whole damn night!"

"I'm so annoyed," I sighed. "It's our tradition, the two of us always go together."

"I know, ugh!" Tessa threw a snow ball in anger. "We're pranking him afterwards."

"Just like the good old days," I murmured. We sat down at the gazebo together and I held my knees to my chest and rested my chin on the tip of them.

"Could be worse," Tessa muttered. "What could be worse than having to work instead of having fun at one of the best Stars Hollow events and facing eternal disappointment?" I asked her rhetorically.

"You could have a pile of snow on your head," Tessa muttered and started grabbing tons of snow. "Don't move," she told me.

I kept the cold pile building up. "How high can I go?" Tessa sang. I felt the tower of snow on my head getting higher. "Knock it off! It's cold!"

"Just a little...HEATHER!"


"To evaluate the value of a function of x when x equals pi, start by splitting the integral into two.." our maths teacher went on and on about algebra.

"That'll be all for today," he said and the bell rang. "Oh, you should've heard the fight after we stormed out on Thanksgiving," Andrea laughed. "What happened?" I asked her.

"My dad went to your grandfather 'we all went to Dartmouth and we are very supportive of Andrea's choice to go to Columbia, you should be ashamed of yourself,' it was mental," she told me.

"My God," I shuddered. "So, your dad told my grandfather off?"

"Yep and said that he'd actually pay for the apartment and Metro cards," Andrea told me. "Really?" I frowned.

I looked at her and I rose my eyebrows. "You could've told me before Christmas."

"A lot on my mind," she mumbled. "Are you and your grandfather talking?" Andrea asked me.

"Everything is fine, before college is mentioned at the dinner table," I mumbled.


"Well, I'm just glad that neither of us have braces," I said to Jess as he was kissing me.

"True, it'd be a bloodbath," he smiled and pinned me against the railing of the gazebo.

"Taylor's making me work the carnival on Thursday," I sighed. Jess frowned. "Define work?"

"Having to operate the stands, he couldn't rope any other teenagers into doing it," I sighed. "Damn it," he grumbled. "No way you can get out of it?"

"Even if I wasn't, I'd be going there with Tessa," I pointed out. "I'm not going there so Taylor can stare at me and damn me to Hell," Jess made his point clear.

"I meant afterwards smarty pants," I rolled my eyes. "Then yes," he smiled and we started kissing and we nearly walked in front of a car.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" the guy yelled.

"I swear to God, we're gonna die one of these days," I laughed as we walked into Luke's.

"Need help with your homework?" Jess asked me once I took my hat off. "Don't take this the wrong way but how?"

"Come upstairs and I'll show you," he smirked. We were about to go but Mom came in. "Heather! Need your help."

"Moment ruined," I mumbled. "Adios," Jess disappeared up the stairs. "I suck at buying my father presents," Mom told me once I sat down.

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