22. Deep In My Thoughts

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Michael's P.O.V
I looked up at the blue sky and the hot sun radiating on my skin. I was now walking over to Riley's house with Calum and Ashton by my side. We weren't to far away considering we left 5 minutes ago. I kicked a rock aside and kept walking.

"Michael....MICHAEL",yelled Calum snapping me out of thought. "Uh yah",I said quickly. "Why do you seem so lost",he asked laughing. "I don't know, just thinking I guess",I said not really sure what I was thinking about. "Michael, we know you better than anyone else does. We know when something's up", said Ashton quite obviously.

"I know, and I would tell you guys, but I can't quite pin point it", I said as we all turned another street. "Hey are Luke and Riley a thing now or.....", I said suddenly blurting out what I guess was in my mind. I really need to have a filter. "I mean I think so", said Calum,"Wait...why do you care",he asked suspiciously. "I don't know I just blurted that out", I said honestly confused with myself.

"Oooooooo does Mikey have a little crush on Riley too", said Ashton in a sing songy voice. "Nah I don't think so", I said reassuringly. "I was just wondering because I mean Riley and Luke are our friends and it's good to know those kinds of things", I said digging my hands in my pockets. "Okay Michael, but it's okay to like Riley I mean yah, Luke may or may not like her but he still hasn't made a move yet", pointed out Calum. "Yeah sure I guess so", I said.

I honestly wasn't too sure of myself either. I remember the day when we were in math class and I looked up to see a shy new face smile back at me, I mean because it only happened not too long ago. But, Luke and her seem to have some type of connection, and who am I to ruin that. I think I'd be better as just a best friend type, like Calum and Ashton are to her. If Riley's happy, then I'll be happy too. We all turned on to the familiar street which happened to be 7th street where we now can see Riley's and Luke's house right in our view.

We all walked over to Riley's door and knocked. "I'll get it",yelled a female voice inside which I assumed was Riley. It could be Luke actually, I thought chuckling slightly at my remark. The door opened up to a smiley Riley, with a messy bun like she wore when I first saw her smile at me in math class. She was wearing shorts and a t-shirt with some tribal design on it. She was also wearing her necklace and bracelets, along with her black glasses.

"Hey Riley here we are",said Calum speaking up among Ashton and I. "Hey guys I'm happy you could all come", she said hugging us. "Come in, Luke's here getting the snacks ready, and we can move my bed and such later", she said motioning us to come in to her house. "Thanks Riley", said Ashton with a smile on his face. "Here I am now the party can start", I yelled gaining a chuckle from everyone.

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