26. Breakfast and Water Wars

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Riley's P.O.V
* Knock Knock Knock* I put down the bowls and ran over to the door. I looked into the peep hole and saw a giant guy at my doorstep. I stepped back a bit until I remembered it was just Luke, still something I gotta get used to. I opened the door just a crack and pretended to whisper. "Is this Luke Hemmings? Are you here for the top secret mission",I said whisper yelling. "Riley let me in",he said laughing as he tried pushing the door. "Gosh Luke your no fun",I said laughing.

I let him in and gave him a quick hug. "Your hair smells like mangos Riley",said Luke quite normally. "Leave it to Luke to make everything awkward", I said laughing and walking over to the kitchen. "It's not bad it smells good",he said laughing.
"Why thank you, and you smell like a boy",I said. "Thank you, because I am a boy",he said pointing out the obvious.

"What do you want for breakfast Luke",I said looking at the overly sized teen sitting in the small dining chair. "I will just have cereal and toast",he said. "Ok got it",I said grabbing our cereal and milk, and putting some toast in the toaster. I then heard footsteps down the hallway. "Riley is Luke coming-",said my mom stopping as she realized Luke was already here. "Hi Luke, I didn't know you were already here",she said chuckling. "Oh hello Mrs. Johnson. Thank you for having me here for breakfast",he said politely.

"Anytime hon. Kids I gotta head out I'm going to go grocery shopping and after I'm going to hang out with your mom Luke",she said grabbing her bag and keys. "Alright mom, the others should be coming later",I said grabbing the toast that popped out, signaling that it was done. "Okay hon, I'll see you later. Bye Riley, Bye Luke", she said quickly while running out the door.

"Your mum's nice",Luke said as he muched on the toast I just gave to him. "Ya she is", I said not knowing how to respond. I grabbed the orange juice from the refrigerator and poured Luke and I a glass. We sat a bit in silence, muching on our toast, and cereal until we were done.

"That was yummy", I said pushing my chair out and starting to grab our bowls and glasses. "No, No Riley I got this, you already made breakfast so its my turn",he said standing up as well and trying to grab the dishes away from me. "Nope Luke, you are the guest, and I am the host so get away from me and wait on the couch before I drop anything",I said laughing as I ran for the sink.

"No Riley let me do the dishes, I insist", he said running after me. "No Luke STO-", I said until I stopped talking as I felt cold water make contact with my face. "Did you just splash water to my face", I asked more like a statement rather than a question. "Ummm it depends? Are you going to be mad if I say yes", he said biting his lip trying to stop himself from laughing. "LUKE", I screamed while turning on the water and splashing him in the face right back.


Let's just say a small "splash" off turned into a full blown out war. I looked down at my clothes which were now soaked and sticking to my skin. My hair was dripping wet too. I was currently hiding behind my bed from Luke who was trying to find me and splash me with more water, at least thats what I assumed. I heard foot steps coming throught the door. "Riley are you in here? I won't splash water anymore. Come out I'm sorry". I debated whether or not to come out, he did seem sincere. I finally caved in and crawled out my hiding spot only to be splashed with more water. "LUKE WHAT IN THE WORLD", I said screaming. I ran after him, which was really hard as he has an advantage because of his long stinking legs. I was right behind him almost able to grab him until I did something unexpected. I ran up and tackled him to the ground. I latched on to his waist and dragged him down with me to the ground.

"Ha! I got you",I said yelling as I shoved him to the side. I pushed myself off of the ground only to be pulled down again. "Let me go Luke", I said trying to get his hand off my arm. "No forgive me then I'll let you go'",he said not struggling one bit even as I was scrambling to get out of his grip. "Fine I forgive you", I said and thats when he finally let me go. "Gosh I didnt know hanging out with you would be so much exercise", I said trying to catch my breath at the same time. "Same", he said sitting up on the ground. "Your cleaning this up Luke', I said seriously trying to seal my laughter in. "No thats unfair though", he whined.

"Yes it is fair, I'm drenched while you're not", I said referencing my drenched band tee, jeans, and hair and pointing to his only slightly wet t-shirt. "Fine", he said getting up. "Good, I'll be right back I gotta change because SOMEONE threw a bunch of water at me",I said. "Man, I wonder who. I'd beat them up for you but we dont know who did it", said Luke pickingup a rag soaking up some of the water on the ground. "Yeah sure you would", I said as I walked over to my room. "Get the door if anyone decides to show up earlier", I said right before shutting my door and locking it. "Got it', i heard Luke yell. I picked out another set of clothes with a smile on my face remembering the not so "little" war we just had.

(Hi again to everyone who's reading this!!!! Thank you so much for reading and sorry for the weird updating times! I'll try and update frequently! Do you guys like this so far? It's not ending soon, there's still lots to come! This is my first book so if there's any requests or things like that just comment a request I'll read them. Okay I'll stop talking now. Bye EVERYONNEEEE!)

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