38. I Miss You

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Luke's P.O.V
Sooner or later Riley was ejected from the hospital this Friday, well today. She was feeling better now, her body still ached a bit here and there, but besides that, her health seemed better now. The only thing missing was "Riley". She still remembered nothing, not if you count her mum. Right now I was in the car with Riley and Riley's mum as we were driving back to their home from the hospital.The guys had to go home for a bit for some rest, but they'll meet up with us probably later on. My mum knew I was going to be with Riley for the whole day, as they know about her situation. I told them not to come over and greet her as of now because it's probably too overwhelming for her, seeing a bunch of strangers.

It was all silent as Riley's mum drove us to the house. Not to mention the awkward silence around us. I sat by the window seat and Riley sat on the far side of the other seat. I was thankful when Riley finally stepped up and said something to break the silence. "How long have we been here mom",she asked looking out the window. "Not too long maybe about a week or so",she replied turning left on one of the streets. Riley then turned to her side to get a full view of me. She stared intensively watching my every move. I slightly turned to face her as well.

"What",I said laughing a bit. "Nothing I'm just trying my best to remember anything",she said still staring at me. I nodded and looked out the window. We soon came to a stop up on the driveway of Riley's house. "This is our house Hon",said Riley's mum getting out of the car and opening Riley's door. I hopped out and helping them in anything they needed help with. I opened the door wide for them so they can both walk in. Riley looked around confused as if she's never seen this place in her whole life. "Does this seem familiar",asked Riley's mum. "No, although I kind of remember the living room for some odd reason",she said tilting her head.

"Well that's good your brain is at least is starting to remember some things",Riley's mum replied. "Here I have to get things situated and all, Luke do you mind taking Riley to her room please",said Riley's mum. "Oh it's fine I don't mind",I said. I extended my hand out to grab Riley's. She grabbed on as I led her to the hallway to her room. I opened the door and let her sit on her bed. "How'd you know where my room was",she asked staring at me. "Well I've been here a lot of times and we've hung out here before. We as in you and I",I said sitting down next to her. She looked around observing her surroundings.

"This is a cool room, it has the same bed like it did in Florida with my cabinets and bracelets and all but except now we're in Australia",she said. "Yah this is your room",I said looking down at my fingers. "So where do you live....",she said pausing, as if she didn't know my name. "My name's Luke and why do you need to know we just met",I said laughing at the memory when we all just met Riley. "Oh I'm sorry Luke, I didn't mean to creep you out",she said looking embarrassed. "No no I was joking it was just and inside joke between all of us when we first met you. I live right next door to you. My window is across your window actually",I said walking over to her window and pulling the curtains to reveal my window right across. "Wow so you're my neighbor",she said laughing.

I missed this Riley. The one who's always laughing at my awful jokes to make me happy. The Riley I'd hang out with all the time. The Riley I could be myself with. I looked at her and her hair down slightly messed up with her glasses propped on her face. "I'm sorry Luke if I can't remember all this now",she said pursing her lips. "I can see in your eyes that you really want me to remember. And I really want to remember too",she said bringing her legs up to her chest and hugging them close to her, as if those were the only things that could keep her safe. "I don't even remember myself...and you don't know how hard it is for other people to know you and your life but you can't recall much at all", she said burying her face in her knees.

"I'm trying my hardest but it won't come back",she said a bit muffled from the result of her face buried in her knees and the fact that I think she was starting to cry. I walked back over next to her not knowing how to comfort her in the best way. I decided the best way was to give her a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and I was surprised as she came out of her self made "cocoon" and hugged me. "Thank you for trying to help me. I feel like your someone I can trust someone....I did trust",she said. "Yah I mean I trusted you for sure",I said not knowing how to reply. We sat there for a bit still hugging each other, until I had a great idea. "Are you allowed to leave the house yet",I asked. "I don't think so why",she said confused. "Wait here just a sec",I said running out the door to find Riley's mum. I found her sitting by the dinner table signing some papers. "Mrs. Johnson, I think I have a way for Riley to remember everything but you just have to trust me on this",I said grabbing her attention. "What is it Luke",she asked curiously.

"I was wondering if I could bring her out with me tomorrow morning and reenact one of the days with her. Bring her back to school, just outside cause it's probably closed, and take her around reenacting one of the days I was with her",I said almost out of breath. "I don't know Luke she just got out of the hospital and after the last time I let her out something bad happened and-", she said with a worried expression. "Please Mrs. Johnson trust me, it'll just be Riley and I and if she's too tired we'll go home", I said practically begging. "Luke I know you want her memory back but how are you so sure this'll work",she asked. "I'm not sure..but it's worth a shot",I said. "She paused for a moment before sighing. "I hope I don't regret this but okay you have my permission. Please don't let her get anymore hurt then she already is",she said looking right at me. "I promise Mrs. Johnson, thank you so so much",I said smiling.

I ran back to Riley's room pushing the door open startling Riley still sitting on the bed. "Do you have plans for tomorrow",I said. "No not really,because I don't remember anything so I don't think it's a good idea to go walking around on my own",she replied. "Ok then well get rested because I'm taking you out tomorrow",I said. "But Luke how can I rest when it's only 3pm",she said pointing it out. "Even when you don't remember things, your still a smarty pants",I said earning a giggle from her. "Well, rest tonight so we can go out tomorrow",I said jumping on her bed and lying down pretending I was asleep. "Get off my bed",she said yelling while trying to push me off. "No I'm asleep",I said holding back my laughter. "Even though I don't know you yet I can tell you're already so annoying",she said laughing. "And how are you talking if your asleep",she said still laughing and trying to push me off. I started laughing with her, not being able to hold in my laughter after all.

I miss this....I miss her.

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