33. Hiking Maybe?

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Riley's P.O.V
I woke up with rays of sunlight coming through the blinds and hitting my face. I sat up on the couch and yawned as I stretched my arms out. I looked to my side to see a sleeping Ashton and Luke. I looked on the ground and met eyes with a sleepy Michael. "Morning Michael",I said laughing slightly at his bed hair. "Hey Riley. What time is it",he asked trying to fix is hair real quick. I got my phone and checked the time. "It is 9:00 and I'm pretty hungry. Wanna go make breakfast with me",I asked slinging my feet over the couch.

"Sure, then after we can eat it all then wake the others up",he said laughing. I got up and grabbed Michaels hand helping him up. We were doing so well on being quiet until MICHAEL stepped on calums stomach causing him to wake up startled. "Owwww Michael what was that for",asked Calum rubbing his stomach. "Sorry mate, now that you're up do you and want to help with breakfast",Michael asked smiling. "Sure I guess so",he said still confused.

Soon enough the three of us were in the kitchen running around grabbing eggs, toast, whatever looked edible to make a breakfast for everyone. "Yes we're done", I said grabbing the plates and setting the last one down on the table. "All that's left is to wake these lazy butts up",said Calum adding the spoons and forks. "I'll do it", volunteered Michael. He walked over to the living room and started shaking Ashton and Luke. "Ahhhh",screamed luke and Ashton. "Time for BREAKFAST",said Michael before running to the hallway towards my room where Harry and Lauren were sleeping at.

Sooner or later we were all at the table eating the breakfast we made. "This is good",said Ashton shoving toast and a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. "Slow down Ashton", said Lauren giggling. "Can you pass me the butter
please",asked Harry reaching for the butter across the table. "Here you go buddy",said Calum handing it over. "So what's the plan after this",I said with my mouth full of cereal.
"Well Harry has soccer practice today so I gotta take him real quick after this, and Lauren has something to do so I gotta drop her off at her friends house, but after I'm free", said Ashton. "Okay and what about you guys",I said turning to Luke, Calum, and Michael. "Nothing really",said Michael. "I don't think I have anything to today",said Calum. "What about you Luke", I asked looking at him.

"Well I have to make sure with my mum but I don't have anything planned",he said smiling. "Well what should we do for today", asked Ashton crunching on another piece of toast. "You guys can go swimming", suggested Lauren. "I don't know we had a lot of water already", I said laughing. "How about hiking",said Harry. "That's a great idea Harry",said Calum. "What do you think Riley",asked Michael. They were all looking at me waiting for a response.

How could I say no now? I'd have to ask mom though, she might not even let me with the state I'm in now. "Yah um sure I guess that sounds great",I said putting on a small smile. "I'll have to ask my mom, I'll be right back",I said excusing my self briefly from the table. I pushed open the door to my moms room and stepped in and sat at the foot of her bed. "Morning Riley how are you",she said before sitting up and hugging me. "Hi mom I just wanted to tell you that we made breakfast and I left some for you",I said. "Aw thanks Riley, is there something you need",she asked.

"Yeah mom um can I maybe go hiking with Michael, Calum, Ashton, and Luke",I said fiddling with my fingers. "Riley I don't know if it's okay in your condition-",she said before I cut her off. "I know I'm sick mom." Ugh I hated using that word, it's one of the words I've heard my whole life. "But even if I'm sick I want to still be happy",I said staring at her. "But Riley remember the doctor said your heart may not be able to take on these things, as well as they did when you were younger",she said looking up at me with sad eyes. Familiar eyes, ones that have looked at me numerous times throughout my life. "I know mom, but I think I can take this. It's just a hike, and I can take my pills. I'll be alright I promise",I said taking her hand.

She finally caved in and let me go. "Okay okay but stay with the guys and don't push yourself if your too tired, stop and head home",she said looking at me with worried eyes. You can tell she wasn't up for the idea, but I guess she realized this was one of the only things that ever made me happy anymore."Thank you mom I love you so much",I said before hugging her tightly. "Love you too Riley, call me if you need anything okay",she said as she let me go. "Okay got it mom see you later",I said slipping out of the door. I walked over to the kitchen where they were all seated. "Okay guys she said yes."

(Hey everyone!!! I know I'm talking yet again, but I just want to say thank you for all the reads, this is my first book and I never even expected anyone to take an interest in it, so a massive thank you again. And what do you guys think of another fanfic after this? I don't know which guy from 5sos to choose so if there's any suggestions feel free to tell me in the comments, or I'll just pick the guy :) thank you again for reading!!!)

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