Chapter 1

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To see the destruction in person was devastating; the cries of my pack members as they lost their loved ones echoed through the air. Flames ate up any dry plants that laid within its path, leaving behind nothing but ashes and dirt. I couldn't bring myself to look away, my tears traveled down my face as strands of hair hung before my eyes. My wrists burned from the thick ropes as they cut into my flesh, further engraving today's tragedy in my mind. I only heard of such wars in stories or movies but never imagined it could happen to me.

I could sense them behind me, gathering any survivors up and taking them away towards their pack. I let out a soft warning growl when one of them attempted to grab me by my arm, causing him to freeze for a moment. I refuse to allow them to shuffle me along like some omega, I'm the alpha's daughter, and I'll be treated with the respect of one. Regardless if they murdered my parents and over half my pack, I'll be the alpha for my remaining members. I'll remain strong for them, not allowing anyone to take away my birthright.

I shoved his hand away as he attempted to grab me; I silently followed after my pack, holding my head up high. I blinked away the last of my tears as I took my first step into my new future, turning my back onto the destroyed battlefield where my parents' bodies laid.

I thought quietly, hoping they had found their way to our goddess. Glancing up at the storm-kissed sky, I smiled a little, trying to reassure their spirits if they were looking down.

"Take them to the infirmary to be evaluated," a woman voiced, pulling me from my mind.

I pushed past her as she stared at me, her emerald eyes boring holes into my back. I snarled when I was suddenly yanked back, forced to turn around. I came face to face with the she-wolf, my chest rising and falling as I attempted to reign my temper in.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly, her face losing its calm composure as sorrow melted through the cracks.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Do you not agree with your alpha?"

"No, I never agreed to any of this, but...Alpha Lazarus doesn't care to hear our opinions."

"Then he doesn't deserve to be alpha."

She smiled sadly, "Try telling him that."

"Margaret quit holding everything up! You know he has no patience!"

We both snapped our attention to a warrior, frowning at him as he motioned for us to move on. The girl, who I now know as Margaret, let out a breath before giving me a gentle shove towards the infirmary.

"Go," she said quietly before turning her attention back to the other warriors.

I obediently finished the walk to the infirmary, eyeing my pack members as I attempted to figure out how many survived. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw none of the pups in the pack were killed, but that didn't mean they weren't suffering either. Many have lost their parents and will be thrust into a foster home; even I can't stop that from happening. Here I am powerless; even if they look at me as their new alpha, I had no say within this pack.

"You must be Persephone Blakely, Alpha Jared's daughter."

I turned my head in the direction of the voice, "Yes."

"Alpha Lazarus wants to have a word with you to discuss everything."

"And why would he want to speak with me? What can I possibly say? He murdered not only my parents but more than half of my pack."

The warrior shifted uncomfortably on his feet as I turned to face him, unable to hide my glare. He cleared his throat, "I-I see..."

"I would like to have a bath first and to get dressed into something less revealing. Considering my clothes are mostly torn," I stated, my voice carrying authority.

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