Chapter 32

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I stared at the large group of warriors, my heart racing a little as I prepared for my first day of training. While I know I can easily take these warriors down, the idea of training in front of Lazarus had me wanting to run and hide. I want to scream as this nervousness ran through me, I'm acting like some high school girl with a crush. While I know I'm falling for the guy, if I haven't done so already, I need to control myself. I shouldn't care what he thinks of me, especially if I can easily kick his ass. I can't just lose all of my senses because he appears with his stupidly handsome face.

What is wrong with you? You sound like a fangirl.

"You okay?"

Blinking out of my thoughts I frowned as Alex and Margaret walked towards me, their faces screaming concern. Clearing my throat, I forced a smile as I tried feigning confusion.

"I'm fine, why?"

Alex folded her arms across her chest, settling her glare on me, "You're lying. You look like you're having a panic attack. Maybe training is too soon after-

"No, I'm fine. Really."

"Where is Lazarus? He's normally here before everyone else," Margaret voiced, drawing our attention back towards her.

"Saw him with one of the female warriors," Alex mumbled.

My heart dropped at the thought of him loving another girl, causing my stomach to flip. I melted into my own world again, frowning at my water bottle at the thought of him not even liking me.

Pull yourself together, you idiot!

Sucking in a deep breath, I nodded to myself. I can't keep acting like this, I'm not a little girl anymore, I'm a full-grown woman. Besides, he wouldn't be the first guy I fall for who doesn't like me back and he probably won't be the last. I just need to calm down my emotions and anxiety, to have better control over myself.

"Men in one area, women in another. Warm-up with a partner or two and then we can combine the groups to see who's the best warrior today."

I followed the sound of his voice to see him standing on the porch with some woman beside him. I gulped down my jealousy, telling myself to get over it and turned towards Alex and Margaret to start warming up.

"You look pissed, is it because of Lilly?" Margaret asked.

I frowned, "Who?"

"Lilly. She's the woman standing beside Lazarus and so happens to be Odessa's older half-sister," Alex explained.

"She has an older have half-sister?"

Nodding, Margaret grinned, "You gave her the dirtiest look."

"I did not," I grumbled. "I was glaring at Lazarus because he's separating the genders as my dad did. It's annoying."

"Only for warming up," Alex cut in. "Some of the guys like to tease the girls during warm-ups or vice versa, he got tired of it and wants us to somewhat focus. He was also tired of Hannah over there claiming she was sexually harassed after she convinced a guy to slap her butt."


"Yeah, total attention whore."

I stared at them, a little muddled by their casual tone. If she were in my pack, my dad would have disposed of her after being ordered by Theresa to do so. I guess that is the one thing my mother did do right, get rid of the liars or traitors in the pack.

Alex snapped her fingers in front of me, giving me another worried look, "Are you sure you're fine? You keep getting this zoned-out look."

"I'm fine," I reassured, frowning as Lazarus made his way towards us.

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