Chapter 31

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I frowned, "What?"

"What makes you think you won't be part of my pack anymore? I'm not just going to kick you out."

"I'm not your Luna."

"True, but I'm not a dick."

"I don't believe that yet."

He smirked, causing my legs to almost give out as he seems to study me. "I was at first, huh?"

Returning the smile, I nodded quietly as I watched the party from afar. This time, a comfortable silence fell over us like a blanket, wrapping around our bodies. A slight chill ran up my spine as a breeze blew through, cooling down the air around us. He didn't say anything, I didn't even see him move from the corner of my eye when he draped his jacket over my shoulders.

Where did he even get a jacket?

"We should probably get back to the party, huh?" He sounded.

I shrugged, "We could or..."



I grinned, his hand turning almost purple as he attempted to win. After being unable to train for a while and actually prove my strength, an arm wrestle challenge is the easiest way. Add in how comical it is to see his face as he realized he couldn't win this competition, it's a perfect way to spend my time at a party.

"I'll take bitch as a compliment," I teased.

He narrowed his eyes, his ocean orbs almost pulling me in, distracting me. I clenched my jaw, my cheeks warming up as the realization hit me.

"You...." I trailed off, choking on my words.

"Know that you're attracted to me?" He mused. "Sweetheart, you're not exactly great at keeping the arousal down."

Pursing my lips, I tightened my grip, earning a cracking sound from his hand. His wince brought a small smile to my face, "It'll eventually fade and you won't be able to use....your face as a weapon."

"Again, you're a bitch."

I shrugged before finishing it, slamming his arm down onto the stone bench. Standing up, I sighed as fatigue began taking over, causing me to let out a yawn.

"I'm going to get to bed, it was fun beating you," I joked, earning the finger from him before I turned to walk away.

I laid quietly in my bed thinking over everything, angry how I hadn't noticed that I was making my attraction obvious. While Lazarus doesn't necessarily turn me on, my body releases certain hormones to alert a nearby male that I'm attracted to him. A trick we were supposedly blessed with to keep our species growing, to ensure we mated and didn't destroy each other over territories and food.

I thought I had control over myself, that I could hide my attraction towards him. While I doubt Lazarus has any sort of romantic feelings towards me, the scent wakes up a part of the males that is sometimes hard to control. Dealing with my psychotic mother and a horny Alpha is not something I want to do.

I should be fine though, he doesn't even find me enticing.

Curling up under my blankets, I felt an ache form in my chest. No one has ever been so enthralled by me, I'm always too much for anyone. Too independent, too strong-willed, too focused on my future rather than finding the time to actually fall in love. All my past relationships may have been ended by my mother, but I already made them fall apart.

"Persephone! Ma'am, explain please!"

I was so close to falling asleep.

"What?" I groaned, getting up to open my door.

Alex raised an eyebrow with her hands on her hips as I yanked the door open. I frowned, "Did I do something?"

"My cousin is challenging everyone to an arm wrestle, did you have something to do with this?"

I grinned, "He can't handle defeat, can he?"

"I knew it!"

"He's driving himself crazy with it, isn't he?"

"He's driving everyone crazy."

I plopped down back on my bed, my smirk remaining in place, "I find it hilarious that he's a sore loser."

"Don't let him hear that," Margaret voiced, sitting beside me. "He'll really lose it then."

I laughed, feeling a little lighter as my friends sat beside me. Thankful for the presence as the light kicked out the darkness forming in my mind. Even if they're unaware of how special this moment means to me.

A/N: Boom, all 31 chapters. Now, to continue updating that, finishing my sequel to Odysseus for iReader and keeping up with everything else.

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