Chapter 20

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Thunder cracked across the sky as the dark clouds rolled in, threatening to break loose upon me. I ran until my legs collapsed from exhaustion, landing me right beside a stream. I curled up under a tree, watching the water run along with the stones.

"Ah yes, your twin."

I have a twin or had a twin, and I'm the surprise one. I'm the one they didn't want because I was considered the runt twin, the smaller one who probably had the most health problems. I know my lungs weren't the greatest hence my asthma and my heart has a murmur, but other than that, I'm healthy. My entire life I tried nothing but being the best for them, to be what they wanted me to be. I trained endlessly, I beat every single warrior in the pack, including my father. I was a straight-A student, I was the student of the month repeatedly, I was a star in sports. Yet, it was never enough for them.

Now I know why.


I closed my eyes, hating my name even more now. I began feeling the cold wind through my fur as the rain came down, soaking me. I curled up even tighter, attempting to keep the warmth in.


It was Alex's voice that echoed through the trees, but I couldn't bring myself to let her know where I am. The pain from my collarbone began making itself known, coursing through me like a wave of fire. Yet, it wasn't nearly as bad as the pain that I felt deep within. While everything is beginning to make sense, it still hurt to basically get told to my face that my mother never loved me. All these years I remained in denial, claiming that my parents surely love me, they just wanted the best for me. Yet, my own mother told me she doesn't love me, that she had wanted to get rid of me.


I looked up to see Alex standing there, frowning at me as she held a shirt in her hands. I didn't move to go towards her, I didn't want to be around anyone right now. I just want to take these moments alone, to allow myself to comprehend what had happened.

"There's a bad storm coming," she spoke softly, taking a cautious step towards me. "I know you don't want to talk right now, which is fine, I just didn't want you out here alone. Here's a shirt, so when you shift back you aren't naked."

I looked at her, hoping she could tell I'm thankful for her thoughtfulness. She offered me a small smile before stuffing the shirt in a small bag and placing it beside me.

"So it doesn't get soaked," she explained.

"Alex, you should start heading back. She'll return once she's ready."

We both looked over to see Lazarus leaning against a tree, the mark from the whip still bleeding. I felt a hint of shame, knowing he received it because of me.

"But the storm..." Alex voiced, frowning.

Lazarus shrugged, "It's her choice."

I let out a huff before looking away from him, wishing there was a way to flip someone off in wolf form. Alex rolled her eyes before patting me on my head, earning a playful glare from me.

"Don't find yourself in trouble, there are still rogues after all," she warned.

I groaned before turning away, covering my head with my tail. She let out a sigh and stood, both of us knowing if she didn't start heading back, then Lazarus would carry her back. Like the annoying older brother she didn't have.

"I'll see you back at the house, be prepared for Margaret to scold you."

I nodded as she ran off, flipping Lazarus off before he followed her. Once they were gone I decided to shift, not wanting to have soaked fur anymore. I swiftly threw the shirt on, thankful that Alex had left a bra in the bag as well. I looked up as thunder cracked across the sky, followed by the lightning before going silent for a few minutes.

"You'll get sick if you don't head home soon," my wolf voiced.

I frowned, wondering how old my wolf's spirit actually was. I closed my eyes, leaning back against the trees as the storm raged around me. Distracting myself as I continued thinking about my wolf and how we even came to be.

"Thinking of something else won't stop the turmoil awaiting you. You need to allow yourself to feel, to deal with the emotions of the betrayal."

She's right. I can't continue pushing the pain away, I needed to let it show, let it run its course. I have bottled up my emotions for far too long, allowing them to fester within till I completely break down. Staring out across the forest, I screamed. Tears mixed with rain as I continued screaming and sobbing, anger and sorrow wrapping around me. I turned and punched the rocky hill behind me, not caring if my knuckles become torn and bruised.

"I hate you!" I continued, destroying the small boulders before throwing them across the stream. I sat down once more, covering my face as I just continue to weep.

"I hate you," I whimpered once more.

I'm not sure how long it was until I finally stood and began walking in the direction of the packhouse, but it was long enough for the worst of the storm to hit. The wind howled around me, sending a few weak branches flying to the ground. I wiped my face as I looked up, shocked to see Lazarus leaning against a tree. He looked over towards me, his emotions masked as he calmly waited for me to reach him.

"Why are you here?" I asked, my voice sounding as though I had smoked a pack of cigarettes.

He pushed himself off of the tree, "I'm your Alpha, it's my job to make sure nothing happens to you. It's not safe for someone to be left alone in a vulnerable state."

"What if you were attacked?"

"I can handle myself. Plus, Monroe is here as well."


I yelped as a man jumped down behind me, his honey-colored eyes shining with amusement. I gaped at him, it was the man who had shoved past me when Lazarus told me about the Luna Ceremony. Before I could throw a punch, he grabbed my wrist, shaking his finger before me.

"No, no Luna. I'm not here to fight," he said calmly, his lips begging for him to smirk.

I frowned, "Why is he here?"

Lazarus raised an eyebrow, "I'm starting to think you hate him more than me."

"He's a dick," I retorted.

Monroe chuckled, "My apologies for how I acted before. I'm his general, basically his third-best man. I have protected him my entire life and I didn't trust you."

I frowned as I looked at him, growing confused. Lazarus let out a soft laugh, causing me to whip my head in his direction. I stared at him in shock, for someone who annoys every fiber of my being, he has a beautiful laugh.

"Monroe was my father's beta and then my aunt's beta, he stepped down when I became Alpha. As he stated, he was bored of his job and gave it my brother," he explained.

Monroe grinned, "Being the general of the pack gives me more freedom and far less stress. Though, making sure he and Azrael don't get themselves in trouble is quite the task."

"And now you're assigned to watch this one."

I raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me? I do not need a babysitter."

"More like a bodyguard. Persephone, you seriously can't fight. I'm not sure what this shift has done to your collarbone, but your skin is awfully bruised now. And with your mother-

"She's not my mother."

Lazarus nodded, "Sorry. With Alpha Theresa wanting you dead, I don't feel comfortable with you being alone outside. Don't worry, he won't be watching you sleep or anything."

"Alpha Theresa? She's not Alpha, she's my dad's Luna," I voiced, ignoring Monroe's new job.

Lazarus pursed his lips, glancing at Monroe. Taking that as a need for help, Monroe sighed, "She's now the Alpha, Persephone."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "You mean...."

"Yes, your father is dead."

A/N: Just cause I have had people ask, no I was not abused by my parents. Many of my books do include abuse, but most were because that was what was up on Wattpad at the time and now, I use my books to bring awareness or I'm just inspired by prompts. Just to clear that up lol.

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