Chapter 26

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"Ugh, I needed this," Margaret cheered, almost sprinting into the bar.

Shaking my head, I grabbed her by the elbow, reminding her to stay with us. The bar Lazarus mentioned is located not in a pack's territory, but in the vampire's land. While we have no quarrels with the vampires, it's still best to remain cautious as they're mischievous creatures. Their territory is located two hours from the pack, hidden away from the humans. It's a large kingdom-like area, made invisible to the outside world by a spell. While supernatural creatures like ourselves can see it, humans are unable to see through magic. It's the opposite way as well, we or the vampires cannot see the humans if some happen to pass through, which comes in handy with young vampires who have no control over their thirst yet.

"Why a bar in vampire territory?" Thaddeus asked, looking around in awe.

Lazarus smirked, "They make my favorite drink here, has enough alcohol in it to kill a human with two sips but not me."

"He gets wasted with just one glass," Azrael sighed. "I'm not carrying him to the car or his bedroom after this."

"Me neither, he's heavy," Alex voiced.

Margaret smirked, her eyes going to me, "Persephone can."

"What?" I choked.

"She doesn't have to," Thaddeus suddenly stepped in, frowning.

I looked over at Lazarus when a soft growl emitted from his throat, his eyes darkening a bit. "Do you not trust me, Thaddeus?" He asked, flashing his canines.

Thaddeus shook his head, his eyes widening a bit, "No, but she's basically being offered to you."

Lazarus furrowed his eyebrows, "Being offered?"

"Margaret said it like Persephone doesn't have a choice."

"She does have a-

"Okay, enough. Honestly, the arguing is becoming annoying. Margaret was messing with me," I interjected, growing tired of the constant bickering. It's like I brought children with me.

They both mumbled an apology before we entered the large building, where we were immediately greeted by a hostess. I scanned the area in amazement, it's definitely vampire style in here with the Romanian architecture. The beauty of it had me awestruck for several seconds before I realized we were being brought to a table. Lazarus gently grabbed my hand, motioning towards it as I stepped out of my shock.

"Sorry, it's" I breathed, looking around again.

He chuckled, "It takes some time getting used to, but their style is definitely eye-opening. It's my favorite type of architecture."

"Imagine a house like this, it would be amazing."

"I have thought of it."

Looking at him, I tilted my head a bit, "Why don't you do it then? Is it too pricey? I'm not sure how this stuff works."

"No, my job makes it easy to afford. It's just finding the time between being an Alpha and running my own accounting practice."

Raising my eyebrows, I took a seat beside him, "You're an accountant? I didn't take you for a finance guy."

He flashed me that brilliant grin, "Oh, what did you take me for?"

"Personal trainer or gym owner type guy. You seem to love to train."

"That wouldn't be terrible."

"Hey, love birds, you done? I'd like to order some drinks," Thaddeus voiced, smiling.

Lazarus rolled his eyes, "We aren't love birds and what drink are you getting?"

"What's the one you were talking about?"

"The Widow Maker."

"The Widow Maker?"

Lazarus nodded, "They named it that after its history of being toxic to humans. Of course, by accident."

"Yeah, accident," Thaddeus replied sarcastically. "You know it gave the vampires back then a fresh and easy meal."

Alex gagged, "That's just gross to think about. I could barely handle blood when I went to the butcher's."

"How the hell are you a werewolf?" Azrael laughed.

"Beats me."

Settling down finally, we skimmed over the menus before ordering our drinks. I grimaced at a few of their drinks, many made with animal blood. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised as we are at a vampire-owned bar. Still, though, I couldn't help but gag a little at some of them.

"What are you getting?" Lazarus questioned.

I shrugged, "I got a simple wine from their menu for other supernatural creatures."

"They have that?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he glared at the menu.

"Yes, did you not know that?"

"I just always got the one."

"Is that not listed for other people?"

Shaking his head, he placed the menu back down, "Nope. I guess because it's a specialty drink that only werewolves normally drink. Even your typical Faye can't handle a regular glass of it. So, I never bothered to try anything else."

"You need to try new things."

He shrugged, going quiet as he busied himself by playing with the corner of the menu. I gave him a confused look before focusing on the others as we entered into an exciting conversation.

"Jesus, you weren't kidding when you said he's heavy," I breathed, dragging Lazarus to the car with Thaddeus.

"He becomes a dead weight on you, apparently so does Azrael," Margaret grumbled.

Alex held Azrael's legs as Margaret held his upper body, the four of us carrying the two idiots.

"Stop touching me," Lazarus whined, trying to get out of our grips.

Rolling my eyes, I gently pinched him, causing him to let out a yelp. Looking up with a glare mixed with a pout, he narrowed his eyes.

"What was that for?" He asked.

I smirked, "For acting like an idiot."

"That was my butt cheek."

"You pinched his butt cheek?" Thaddeus asked, biting his lip as he tried holding back his laughter.

"It's just so round and bubbly, I had to."

Lazarus frowned, "Pervert."

"Says the guy who full-on grabbed my tit in the bar."

"And you punched me."

I nodded, "Man, did that feel great."

"The boob grab?"

"No, punching you."

"I thought you forgave me," he pouted.

We carefully set him on his feet as I shrugged, "I do, still feels good though to get that anger out on the one who caused it."

"I was hurting."

"So was I."

A/N: I don't remember writing these chapters tbh lol

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