Chapter 11

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"We should do something else before heading back. You have been trapped within the packhouse for almost two weeks now," Margaret suddenly voiced, giving me a hopeful glance.

Pursing my lips in thought, I finally decided to agree; I didn't want to return so soon. To finally breathe in some fresh air was exactly what I needed and I'm not going to give it up so soon. None of his pack members were here to disparage me, making me feel so small despite the façade I held. As soon as I was nodding my head yes, Alexandra yelled about ice cream. I chuckled at her sudden enthusiasm, her eyes shining with glee as she began rambling about an amazing place in a nearby small town.

As we approached the small houses and buildings a sense of Deja vu fell over me as if the memory was attempting to reach the forefront of my mind. I frowned to myself, wondering where I have seen something similar enough to have my memory in a fuzz. Shaking my head, I decided to ignore the odd feeling, for now, not wanting to stress even more than I already am. I slapped a smile onto my face as we stepped out of the car, the warm air wrapping around me in a comforting embrace.

"I am so getting the cotton candy flavor!" Alex beamed, sprinting towards the small shop.

I raised an eyebrow at Margaret, earning a shrug in return. We shook our heads in amusement, laughing at her antics as she waved for us to hurry. I couldn't help but think if Lazarus doesn't kill me and if I end up getting along with the pack in the future, I wouldn't mind sticking around. At least, to hang out with these two and actually have fun for the first time in a while.

"Do you know what you want?" Alex asked, barely giving us a minute to glance at the menu.

Margaret folded her arms across her chest, giving Alex a stern look. "Ma'am, if you don't let us look at the menu, I will personally shove my foot up your ass."

I chuckled as Alex paled a few shades, coughing out an apology before instantly returning to her excited state. She rambled to the poor cashier her order as we calmly checked out the flavors. It wasn't long until we finally decided and gave her our orders as well, apologizing for Alex's craziness. As the cashier got our order together I looked around, still feeling as though I can faintly remember this place. Alex and Margaret's conversation sizzled out of my hearing when I spotted someone I didn't want to see. Swallowing the growing panic in my throat, I nudged Alex.

"What territory are we in?" I asked quietly.

She frowned, "Neutral territory, no packs own this part of the woods. The town is owned by humans. Why?"

My heart picked up its pace as I watched an old ex-friend of mine walk towards the shop, his dark eyes trained on me. Taking a deep breath, I forced a smile. Maybe he's just getting ice cream as well, after all, it is a warm day.

"No reason just saw someone from my old pack."

That I didn't even know had made it through that fight.

I turned away from him as the door opened, the small bell at the top alerting the next worker of the new customer. Stepping to the side, I kept staring at the different flavors, trying to appear as calm as possible.

"Hi, can I have two scoops of vanilla? Sugar cone please."

Okay, he's just ordering ice cream. Maybe he looked as though he was staring at me, but he was just looking at the sign on the door. I began trying to convince myself that he didn't even know I was standing here, that hopefully, my scent has changed by now.

"Your orders, girls."

We quickly thanked the kind worker before shuffling out of the door, me being the first one to practically sprint outside. As soon as we were out of the building, I felt as though I could breathe.

"Hey, Persephone, what's wrong? You're paler than usual."

I looked at Margaret, trying to feign confusion, "I'm fine."

The ding of the bell had me glancing over again with a clenched jaw, holding my breath as he stepped out of the parlor. His eyes instantly found mine, his lips tugging up into a smirk as he walked over.

"I thought you would have been dead already," he snickered, sending unpleasant chills up my spine.

Gulping down my fear, I tipped my chin up, "And why is that?"

"Alpha Lazarus is a ruthless killer, you think he'd actually keep you alive?"

"Considering it has been a week and a half and I'm not dead, yes."

He burst out laughing in my face, causing Alex to start towards him. Holding up my hand, I shook my head, I knew how he was and I don't want anyone getting hurt. Alexandra and Margaret are the only two who treat me nicely, they don't deserve to deal with my problems. Even if it was another pack member, I'd still keep them safe, they may hate me but this was turning into my fight. Especially with this specific guy.

"Do we have a problem?" I seethed, earning an amused look from him.

He chuckled, "You tell me. You are Lazarus's whore."

"And you're my mother's man-whore. What is your point here?"

I knew I struck a cord as his eyes turned black; to one he may be quick, but I could see his feet moving as soon as he dropped his ice cream. Before he could grab my jaw I dodged him, snatching him by the throat. With ease I slammed him into the ground, earning a satisfying groan.

"Go home, Jordan," I sneered.

Blinking away the dirt from his eyes, he chuckled, "No thank you. I'm having fun."

"My mother put you up to this, didn't she? Are you stalking me?"

"So paranoid."

He tried grabbing me, but I once again dodged his grasp. Growling softly he pulled out a silver dagger, his lips holding a sadistic smile.

"If I get rid of you, she'll like me more."

I shook my head, "How do you even love that woman?"

"I could ask you the same question."

I frowned, caught off guard for a second but giving him enough time to form a plan. My eyes widened when I saw him shift his attack towards Margaret, his manic laughter echoing. Everything went by in slow motion as I moved to shove her out of the way. She yelped as she fell to the ground, the blade slicing through her face before finding its home in my collarbone.

A snarl sounded, Alex disappearing as a large brown wolf replaced her. She grabbed him by the wrist, causing him to release the dagger that was embedded in my flesh. I swallowed my nausea as I glanced down at it.

"Margaret...are there any humans looking?" I whispered.

She pulled herself up, looking at me in horror, "A few, but I don't think they saw Alex shift."

"Just yell rabid wolf and act as though you're chasing her off. Alex, did you hear me?"

She glared at Jordan's limp form before nodding, giving Margaret the okay to act. As Margaret screamed out the words and began throwing stones at Alex, she sprinted off, disappearing into the surrounding woods. Taking a deep breath, I yanked the dagger out, knowing it would only cause more blood flow.

"She said she won't go far, she'll shift and meet us at the car," Margaret voiced.

I carefully covered my wound before nodding, "What about clothes?"

"Wouldn't be the first time she ran around naked."

"I don't even want to know. Grab him. Is he dead?"

She shook her head as she checked his pulse, "He's healing."

"Good. I want to send a message to my parents."

A/N: Ooooo

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