Chapter 15

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Back to Persephone POV

I heard the door open, listening carefully to their footsteps as they came closer. Opening my eyes, I saw Lazarus standing before me, nervously playing with his fingers. I raised an eyebrow at him, finding it amusing to see someone as powerful as him playing with their hands like a young schoolboy. Clearing my throat, I gave him a questioning look, trying to figure out what has gotten into him. It's comical to see him like this, it's difficult for me not to laugh.

"I...I was terrible to you," he voiced, his cheeks holding a red tint to them.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Huh?"

"I was a jerk to you when you got here, I destroyed your pack and basically forced you into a fake mating. You were trapped in your room for the first week or so and my pack treated you like garbage, I basically created a toxic place for you. I blamed you for something you didn't have control over and when you tried telling me that, I ignored you. I slapped you. I'm sorry for being another villain in your life. I am so, so sorry."

To say I was surprised would be an understatement, I'm completely blown away. I didn't expect to hear an apology from Lazarus. At least, I didn't expect him to say anything like this so soon. Pursing my lips, I nodded slowly as a tiny bubble of anger grew within me.

"You expect an apology to fix this?"

The words came out venomous, throwing his own past reply back at him. I settled my stare on him, glaring at him as he shook his head.

"No, but it's a start."

"Let's make one thing clear, I still don't like you."

He slightly smirked, "I know."

" you forgive him?"

I chewed my food slowly, mulling over the question. Do I really forgive him? Granted, the man wasn't terrible but what he did still hurt. He had allowed the pack to treat me like dirt beneath their feet, he was cold towards me, blamed me for something I hadn't done despite him knowing that. There was still that bubble of anger, refusing to pop no matter how much I thought over his apology. I could tell he was sorry, his eyes were pleading with me to forgive him and I did. In a way, I had accepted the apology. Swallowing the food, I shrugged with my good shoulder.

"Not really."

"You're going to make him grovel, aren't you?" Alex mused.

I smirked, "It would be nice to see him beg."

"My mom did the same thing to my dad, it was funny. Though, they were more playful about it."

"I can assure you, I'm not going to be playing at all. If you don't mind...what did happen to your mother? I don't think I have ever seen your parents around here."

Her face fell a little as she went deep into thought, taking a deep breath, she forced a sad smile. "As you know, my mother took over after Lazarus's and Azrael's parents passed. Unfortunately, in that fight, my father and older brother were also killed. She was never the same after that, but she did become extremely protective of me and my cousins. She was terrified of losing us, but eventually, it became too much for her and she took her own life."

I gaped at her, my heartbreaking for her as I saw the tears she was trying to hold back. Frowning, I placed my food down, "I am so sorry."

"Don't be. She isn't suffering anymore, seeing her like that was one of the most difficult times of my life. I'm sad she's gone, I have missed her ever since but at the same time, she's not struggling anymore. She isn't skipping meals, losing weight, crying every night, taking sleeping pills, all of that is done now. I just wish I could have helped her escape all of that without losing her."

"Depression is a terrible monster," I murmured, staring at my bowl of rice.

"You know someone who has struggled with it too?"

I bit my lower lip, determining if I should trust her with this information. While it's only us right now, it's still difficult for me to just come out and say it. Taking a deep breath, I decided to trust her. I needed someone to tell, someone I can lean on when I'm trying not to fall.

"I have been dealing with it ever since I was twelve. The doctor found out yesterday and put me back on my medication. I haven't taken it yet though...even if the withdrawal sucks."

She looked at me in surprise, "You're experiencing withdrawal symptoms?"

"Just a weird shock-like feeling in my head, shaking and heightened anxiety."

"But Persephone, that's not good. If it was helping you, why not continue?"

I sighed and leaned my head back, "I'm tired of needing to take pills because my brain can't function normally."

"I get it, but there's no shame in needing some help. Were you happier with medicine?"

"Yeah, felt a little more in control of my emotions."

"Then continue it, if anyone says anything I'll punch them for you."

I laughed as Alex joined in, the atmosphere felt lighter once more. I grinned as I went back to eating, the weight lifted off my chest. It felt good to have someone who understands and will be there for me when I feel like falling.

A/N: Blah

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