Chapter 6

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I stood before his office doors, debating on just turning around and disobeying him. A small smirk crept onto my face at the thought of his annoyed expression, oh the joy I'd have. Alas, I knew I wasn't particularly in a position where I would want to annoy him further, there's nothing stopping him from throwing me in prison or getting rid of me. Releasing my breath, I finally knocked on the oak doors with a little more force than intended. Almost immediately they swung open, revealing Alexandra, Lazarus, and someone I didn't recognize. I know I have seen his face while passing through the house, but his name left a blank slate in my mind. I forced a smile at Alexandra, an uncomfortable feeling settling within my chest as I stepped into his office.

"You wanted me to see you?" I questioned hesitantly, frowning as the stranger seemed to stare into my soul.

Lazarus nodded, "Yes, packs are beginning to question about you and why we haven't held an official Luna ceremony. It's starting to catch the attention of the council."

"Let me guess," I started, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "You want to plan a fake Luna ceremony to fool everyone?"

"That would be correct."

"Fine. I don't even see why you're telling me this, not as I can argue against it."

"Well, you can if you wanted to."

"And then what? Have you throw me in prison or something?"

He clenched his jaw, "Anyway, I want to hold it next Friday evening. Alexandra will help you choose an appropriate dress."

I raised an eyebrow at the pointed look he seemed to send Alex's way, causing her to roll her eyes while mocking him. He pinched the bridge of his nose before re-focusing on me. His silver-blue eyes regarded me with a coldness that almost had me shivering as if I were stuck in a winter's night.

"I have ten days before I have to be stuck by your side? Wonderful," I commented, earning another stern glance. "Who's this guy?"

The unknown man scoffed at me as he stood up, "I have a business to attend to for the patrols, if I may be dismissed Alpha?"

Lazarus nodded, I quickly stepped to the side when the man shoved past me, smirking as I almost lost my footing. I didn't hide my annoyance while I shot him a dirty look, my patience with these pack members beginning to run thin. I know they believe I'm also at fault for killing their potential Luna and the heir, but I didn't have a damn say in the matter. I've exhausted myself by trying to explain my part of the story, I'll forever be seen as the enemy in this pack.

"Is there anything else you need me for? I'd rather not be in your presence," I sneered.

He raised an eyebrow, "Alex, you're dismissed. Whenever you're free, meet with Persephone to go over the details for the ceremony. I need to have a chat with her."

Alex gave me a nervous glance before nodding and leaving us, the echo of the door closing adding to the dramatic silence. Folding my arms across my chest, I waited for him to speak.

"When will it get through your thick skull that you cannot continue to disrespect me? I have been nothing but patient with you," He growled softly, standing up as he came to lean against the front of his desk.

The scene was oddly familiar, bringing me back to a week ago when we first met. I mirrored his expression, growing more and more irritated with each passing second. Only a week and he has been trying to control every aspect of my miserable life here, making it quite literally, hell. How I haven't snapped at a random member or attacked Lazarus is beyond me, the constant negativity was wearing me down. I could feel myself mentally sinking, fighting the urge to escape and disappear.

I wouldn't return to my parents and I wouldn't allow any pack to know my name. I would change myself, find a new name to use, to discover my new self. I could only imagine the feeling of being free, to escape from Lazarus' grasp and never witness my parents' shameful faces again. I wouldn't have to return to my home pack as an outcast or traitor, I wouldn't have to report back to anyone.


His deep voice yanked me from my daydreaming, bringing me back to the dark reality I have learned to live with. Blinking the imaginative fog from my vision, I focused myself on his annoyingly handsome face.

"Oh for the love of hell, Seph, don't you dare say he's attractive," I reprimanded myself.

His lips were pulled into a tight line as he narrowed his eyes, "I'm fed up with the constant attitude. As long as you're under my roof and within my pack, you follow my rules."

"Don't you sound like my parent," I grumbled sarcastically.

His hand was suddenly grasping my jaw, squeezing just enough to earn a wince from me. I stared up at him in shock, for once my tongue going silent.

"I'm done with your bullshit, Persephone," he snarled. "Maybe a day or two in the prison will help you realize you are no longer alpha. You are beneath everyone here, even the omegas. When will you fucking accept it?"

I bared my teeth, yanking my jaw from his grip as I glowered at him. "You can't just change my genetics because you're keeping me here as some prisoner. I am an alpha, you like it or not."

Shaking his head, he took a step back as two men walked in, grabbing me by the arms. I continued looking forward, keeping eye contact with Lazarus as they dragged me from his office. I refuse to consider myself as someone lower than an omega, I was born an alpha and I'll die as an alpha.

A/N: Bloop.

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