Chapter 8

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His apologizing should have made me feel satisfied, happy even but instead, it only fueled my rage. I want to scream at him, slap him, something to get some common sense into his brain but instead, I just stare at him. I could practically feel my body shaking from my anger, ticked off by his audacity to think a simple apology will fix everything.

"You think sorry will fix it?" I sneered.

He frowned, "You thought a sorry would fix your father killing my future luna and daughter."

"I knew it wouldn't fix it, I just said it because I was truly sorry. But I'm done explaining myself to you and everyone else in this hell hole."

I could see his eyes darkening, the storm brewing within but he still held himself back. Instead, he cleared his throat and began walking past me, "There's an emergency on the borders. Please find Alex to discuss the ceremony. You already lost a day."

I glared at his back as he walked away, wishing I could just throw something at him but refrained myself. Taking a deep breath I stormed off to my room, loathing how I was acting. However, I couldn't help it, I felt so overwhelmed about everything that had happened. My emotions were going in a million different directions, spiraling out of control and driving me mad. Nothing was helping me to control the staggering feelings coursing through me, my medication was gone. I ran my hand through my hair, quietly telling myself I needed to create healthy coping habits. I can't keep acting out, making a fool of myself. I was behaving like a spoiled child, not getting her way and throwing a fit over it. Granted, the man these acts are directed towards did steal me away from my pack and make them see me as their new enemy. I knew if I were to escape from this pack that I wouldn't be able to go back home, hell, I probably can't call it that. Despite a part of me believing my parents would understand, I'm their daughter after all.

Will they want to understand though?

Shaking my head, I closed the door to my bedroom and collapsed onto my bed, sighing as fatigue began picking at my body. I let out a dark chuckle, realizing he never took me to the infirmary as he had wanted. Good then, the doctor wouldn't be able to find out anything else to tell him. He didn't need to know about my past punishments, they're none of his business. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to fall into a deep sleep as reality slowly slipped away. Leaving me to the peaceful darkness I'm beginning to love.


Opening my eyes I looked up at Alex and Margaret, my brain slowly working to tell me to respond. I mumbled incoherent words before shoving my face back into my pillow, wanting to be left alone. After the rush of emotions from earlier, I now felt empty, numb to the outside world as my brain shut itself down from feeling anything. I wanted to curl up under my blanket, where no one could bother me, and sleep forever. However, they didn't let me do so, for I felt a pillow smack me on the back. Opening my eyes I flashed the girls a glare, earning nothing but laughter and smirks in return. Rolling my eyes, I slowly sat up and frowned.

"What?" I sighed.

Alex folded her arms across her chest, "We have ceremony crap to start."

A/N: Leedle

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