Chapter 42

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Young warriors gave me weary glances as I walked through them, watching them spar with each other. I took note of their strengths, weaknesses, fighting styles and skills. I'm delighted with how strong they are, their attacks are vicious but nothing too crazy so they don't lose control of the fight. They use a mix of defensive and offensive moves, making sure they're always switching it up on their partner. Taking a gander at Lazarus, I admired how swift he was on his feet. The warrior could barely get a hit on him, exhaustion evident as his moves began slowing down. Lazarus danced around him, a smirk threatening to pull at his lips as he watched the warrior fall to their knees. Turning away before he saw me, I continued watching my trainees, wondering what new skills I could teach them.

I know I can teach them to not allow their enemy to get a chance to even breathe, but I'm not sure if Lazarus wants me showing them that type of aggression. It can be terrifying to see as well as become difficult to not allow your animalistic instincts to take over.


Blinking away my thoughts, I faced a decently young warrior and tried to appear as approachable as I could. "You okay?"

She nodded, "I was wondering when we would be shifting? I don't want to be here for that."

"Not today, once you're good at fighting in human form then we'll practice on our shifted forms. Why don't you want to shift?"

"I'm an omega, my wolf is the smallest here."

I offered a soft smile, "Doesn't mean she isn't strong. Smaller wolves are very useful."


"You can easily slip through wolves during any fight, makes it easier for you to also dodge attacks. Sneak attacks will be your best friend, which I can work on with you. A friend of mine has a decently small wolf, despite being an Alpha. She's very quick, quiet and able to sneak up on almost anyone."

"She's an Alpha and small?"

"It happens sometimes. I know a few omegas who had huge wolves, it's more genetics than anything. Status doesn't mean you're weak."

She smiled up at me, her eyes shining with excitement, "Well, now I can't wait to learn how to fight in wolf form. What if the others make fun of my wolf though?"

"It'll be the last thing they do."


"I heard you made one of my omegas feel empowered today."

Looking up from my phone, I took in Lazarus's form as he stood before me. He was freshly showered, wearing nothing but his grey sweats which only added to the attraction I felt. Nothing was hiding his size, if anything, it dramatized it and made me blush. Swallowing in an attempt to wet my dry throat, I placed my phone down and tried avoid too much eye contact.

"She shouldn't feel less just because of her status and size."

He hummed his response, his hands shoved into his pockets. For a while he was quiet, just looking around until I raised an eyebrow at him, quietly asking him what he's up to. A small smile began stretching his lips.

"Have anything planned for tonight?"

I frowned, "No, why?"

"Well, my brother is going to a restaurant with his potential mate and invited me and you."

"He invited me?"


"So, Azrael, who I barely speak to...invited me?"

I can see the red creeping up on his cheeks, his eyes nervously looking around, "He did, requested the whole thing. Hundred percent."

" aren't asking me out?"

He opened his mouth and closed it, his eyebrows furrowing as he attempts to form an answer. I let out a soft laugh and stood, patting him on the shoulder. "I'll gladly go on a date with you."

He relaxed a little as I walked upstairs, deciding now would be a good time to shower. Tossing the book onto my bed, I closed the bedroom door and let out a sigh. My body aches from today's training, having took so many hits from our young warriors. Stretching my muscles out, I hoped this would be enough to release some of the aching.

Turning the handle, I watch as the water sprays out of the shower head, slowly warming up to the temperature I set it at. For a moment I just stood quietly, thinking over everything. I can't help but feel as thought someone is squeezing my heart at the thought of my parents. Of all the times where my father tried his best to be a father to me. Teaching me to cook, to ride a bike, to clean up after myself and how to act before other Alphas. I can remember the exact moment he began acting more like my mother, trying to earn her love and approval. Like a child running after their parent, he ran after my mother, wanting her to accept him.

While they never beat me to a pulp or anything, they did use barbaric punishments from ancient times. Back when werewolves were first created, many of our ancestors would raise their young more like animals rather than humans. Granted, we are both, but it makes more sense to raise us as sensible people and not wild animals.

If a child dared to disrespect their elders they were slapped and made to be a servant for a week. Cleaning for the pack, hunting for the pack and babysitting the young in order to learn how their elders did things and why they should be respected. While that wasn't really barbaric, the whippings were. Those who went against their Alpha's orders, their parents' orders or harmed another in the pack were whipped six times. The council had banned whipping for centuries now, but my mother didn't get the memo.

She didn't whip me constantly, despite it feeling like that. Only when I went against her orders or disrespected her in front of the pack. Often, I'd run away and hide until she cooled down and instead of the whip, she wouldn't feed me dinner that night. What she did was wrong, ancient punishments that should have never been a thing.

Swallowing the knot in my throat, I stepped under the warm water, allowing my muscles to relax and my mind to forget about my mother. I'm safe now, away from her and once we finish this war, I'll be free.

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