CHAPTER ONE: Meeting a Dragon

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The sun was beginning to rise high into the sky over an apartment complex near the Shizuoka Prefecture. Warm rays emanated from the sun in the cloudless morning sky. The rays found their way through the window of a particular room. When the rays hit the person inside the room, he let out a groan of annoyance. The mysterious person sat up in their bed, revealing a tuff of messy green hair. The person groggily rubbed their eyes as they looked over at their clock.

"Have to get ready for school," The figure known as Izuku Midoriya said as he swung his legs off his bed. When his feet met the floor, he grabbed his head in pain. He forgot why his head was hurting but then soon remembered why it was hurting. "Kacchan's explosion must have caused me to hit a wall or something," Izuku mumbled as he pushed himself off his bed. He headed towards his bathroom, where he took off all his clothes and slipped into the shower.

He turned the shower on and flinched slightly when the cold water hit his bare skin, but soon started to move and clean himself when he felt the hot water. He finished with his shower and dried himself off before walking back into his room to change into his Junior High School uniform. Once he finished changing, he headed to his kitchen. Grabbing a bowl and box of cereal and placing it on the table, he headed towards the fridge and grabbed the milk.

Once he sat down at the table, he poured himself a bowl of cereal. As he ate his breakfast at the table, he scrolled through the news on his phone. He stopped on a news post, mentioning a massive green dragon with large black wings sighted in the mountains near his home. "Huh," Izuku hummed as he clicked on the post and looked at the blurry image of the dragon. Izuku looked at the picture before he started to squint at it. "Feels like I should know who that is, but...I can't remember".

Izuku checked the time and saw that he would have to leave his home right now if he were to make it to school on time. He drank the last of the milk that remained in his bowl before placing it in the sink. He grabbed his bag lying next to the door and put it on before grabbing the doorknob. He twisted it and pushed the door open away from him. He had barely moved an inch when he looked up and saw something that made his heart stop for a second.

In front of him was the snout of a massive green dragon with piercing yellow eyes with narrow black slits. Izuku stood there motionless, stiff as a wooden board. The dragon snarled, a low growl emanating from deep in its throat before it let out a small roar. The wind from the roar messed up Izuku's already messy hair. Izuku's eyes widened in fear as the massive dragon opened up its maw. Izuku could see the sharp teeth that lined the inside of the dragon's mouth.

"Come on, Izuku, your just dreaming," Izuku said to himself, trying to convince his mind that what he was seeing was not real. Saliva dripped from inside its mouth as the dragon opens its mouth further. Suddenly, a large circular rune colored in red shone brightly in front of Izuku. The Dragon Behind the rune glowed orange before shrinking further into the form of a human female. The Dragon, in her human form, landed but immediately after jumped into the air. "Ta-dah!" The female Dragon cheered with her arms out, her breast bouncing slightly when she landed. In her human form, the Dragon had long blonde hair with flaming orange tips and red-orange eyes with dilated pupils, and a voluptuous figure with large thighs and plump, bouncy breasts.

Izuku continued to stare at the female in front of him with a slight blush on his face when she sent him a smile. "Having a good morning, Mr. Midoriya," The Dragon girl chirped. "Yep...Dreaming," Izuku said to himself. Not only had the dragon appeared right in front of his apartment but said dragon transformed into a beautiful woman. So Izuku responded with the most reasonable response his brain could think of at the moment, "G-Good Morning."

"Do you mind allowing me into your lovely home?" The Dragon lady asked politely with an open hand over her chest. "S-sure. Come on in," Izuku nervously said as he stepped out of the way, gesturing for the strange lady to enter his home. Izuku closed the door before walking over to his kitchen. His guest looked around the apartment before taking a seat at the dining table. "W-would you l-like some tea?" Izuku asked in a stutter. "I would love some of your tea!" The dragon girl answered happily.

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