CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.5

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Previously in CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.4

When he landed, he rolled a few times before he stood up on shaky legs. He glared at Izuku before he spat out blood from his mouth. An idea popped into his head. "What was her name? Tohru? She must be good if you keep her around," Shinso provoked. Izuku charged straight toward the tired-looking teen, "Keep her name out of your mouth-." Izuku could feel his mind go blank, his rage was gone in that instant, and he reverted back to his normal human self.

Now in CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.5

"Hey, Hey. What's wrong? Midoriya actually got a good hit in on Shinso, but now he's just standing there? Come on! Don't stop now!" Present Mic shouted. Izuku's eyes looked completely void of any life. There were no emotions shining from them. No rage, no anything. He was just frozen in place. "You," Shinso started, glaring at Izuku, "Must be nice to have everything handed to you, Izuku Midoriya. Now turn around and walk out of the ring." At Shinso's command, Izuku's turned around and began to walk toward the edge of the arena.

"Stop! Stop it!" Izuku mentally shouted in his head, "Damit! My body won't listen! My head...feels so fuzzy. No...Damit! Stop! I said Stop!" Izuku kept slowly walking toward the edge of the arena, getting closer and closer. "Even after Ojiro warned me about this! Even after I told myself I needed to control my emerging dragon side! Damit! Not like this! Over in a flash! Everyone's done so much for me. Tohru, Elma, Lucoa, and Kanna, they've given me my reason for being a better Hero; I can't lose here!"

Izuku's blank eyes stared ahead at the tunnel he come out of not even five minutes ago. The passageway was pitch black, no light was getting in, nor was it getting out. But there was something in the dark that Izuku could see. Eight pairs of glowing eyes, each a slightly different color, stared back at him. The sight surprised Izuku. That's when he felt One for All power up all on its own. " this?!" He questioned. The eyes were soon joined by the sound of a deep growl.

The shadows parted to reveal a dragon's head with glowing green eyes. "A Dragon!" Izuku exclaimed in his head. The glowing eyes soon formed into balls of light and merged with the dragon. The glow from the Dragon's eyes became so much that it completely enveloped Izuku's vision. Just before Izuku lost his vision, the dragon's claw touched the center of his chest. All while this was going on in Izuku's mind, Shinso was monologuing. "You probably wouldn't think so, but this Quirk of mine is like a dream," He lowered his head, smirking to himself as he watched Izuku step right next to the edge of the arena. "Right. You lose."

Suddenly, power explodes forth from Izuku's left hand. The impact of the power blew some dust up from the ground, but most importantly, it halted his movement. "What's this?" Present Mic exclaimed, "Midoriya! He stopped?!". When the smoke cleared, there were a few collective gasps from the crowd. Izuku had grown horns on his head, the very same horns that he had when he was in a blind rage at the beginning of the match. His eyes were glowing the same emerald green with his constricted pupils. His canine teeth also grew. The only thing that wasn't present was the dark forest green scales.

"What the hell?! Midoriya's transformed again! What is going on here!" Kamianari exclaimed. "He looks like the first time he transformed but not so feral and has no scales. He looks so cool!" Uraraka exclaimed. Izuku's fellow classmates were all on the edge of the railing, save for Todoroki, who was staring at Izuku with a blank look. Everyone else was staring at the green-haired dragon teen with awe. Bakugo sat back in his seat, glaring down at Izuku. "Just what the hell is going on with you, Deku?"

"How? You shouldn't have control. What'd you do?" Shinso questioned worriedly. Izuku immediately slapped his uninjured hand over his mouth, to prevent him from responding. "One for All. It's passed down, like the Olympic torch. Were those this a sign that I'm linked by this power to the past? Was that Dargon I saw me or was that something else? Just thinking about it won't give me any answers. Save that for later! I need to focus on the battle at hand!"

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