CHAPTER THREE: Training Begins and A New Dragon

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Izuku looked at All-Might's face as he thought about what All-Might had said before he turned to Tohru. He saw her giving him that grin that was filled with nothing but happiness for him. He turned his face back towards All-Might before he replied, "Yes...I accept," Izuku said as he looked up at All-Might with a determined expression on his face. "A quick answer, that's good. Meet me tomorrow at Dagobah Municipal Beach at 6 am to train," Al-Might said before turning away and walking off.

Tohru and Izuku stood there together as they watched All-Might's true form get smaller and smaller. Before Izuku could turn towards Tohru, he felt himself being tackled to the ground in a hug. "Izuku! You finally get to have Quirk! You finally get to save more people!" Tohru exclaimed happily as she squished and rubbed her cheek affectionately against Izuku's. "To-Tohru. Wh-what are y-you doing!" Izuku exclaimed as his face went completely red.

Tohru separated herself from Izuku and looked into his emerald eyes with her red-orange eyes. She leaned in closer towards Izuku, pressing her large mounds against his chest. "I'm showing you my affection Izuku. But if you don't like that, I can be affectionate in a different way-" Tohru said with a husky tone as she gripped the top of her maid outfit and began to pull it down. Izuku panicked and attempted to grab Tohru's hand to stop her but missed and ended up pushing the top of Tohru's maid outfit off, exposing and making Tohru's left breast pop out.

Izuku's eyes went wide as he stared at Tohru's large, soft mound. "Wow, Izuku! I didn't know you were this forward, but I knew you would return my love soon!" Tohru said happily. Izuku's head was completely red, steam leaking out of his ears. "I...I didn't mean...I-" Izuku couldn't explain himself any further before the experience became too much for him and he passed out. "Izuku?" Tohru said but didn't receive an answer. "Izuku?" Tohru said again but shook him, getting a little worried. "Izuku!" Tohru shouted before adjusting her maid outfit and picking him up. "Don't worry, Izuku, I know the way back home. I'll get us there in no time, and then you can wake up," Tohru said before she sprouted her wings and blasted off into the air.

Izuku groaned before he opened his eyes. The last thing he remembered was accidentally bringing Torhu's maid outfit down and exposing her breast. He felt his face heat up at the memory before he sat up in confusion when he smelled something. He assumed it was coming from the kitchen and swung his legs off the bed. He stood up from his bed, walked towards the door, and exited it, making his way to the kitchen. When he got to the kitchen, he saw Tohru cooking a large piece of meat.

"Where did you get that Tohru?" Izuku asked as he stepped into the kitchen and stood next to Tohru. Tohru looked at Izuku before hugging him. "I'm so glad you're awake, Izuku!" Tohru said happily. Izuku chuckled a little bit before returning the hug. "I'm glad to be awake to Tohru," Izuku said as he let go of the hug. Tohru smiled happily at Izuku before returning to her cooking. "So, what's for dinner?" Izuku asked again. "My tail!" Tohru said excitedly.

Izuku paled a little at Tohru's words. "Your Tail! Don't you need that?" Izuku exclaimed in a worried tone. Tohru heard the worry in Izuku's voice and gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Izuku. My tail can grow back in a day; it's fine," Tohru said. "W-well, if you say so. I can't wait to try it," Izuku said with a smile. Tohru blushed a little before she began to hum a small tune while cooking. Izuku took it upon himself to set the table with plates, silverware, and two cups. Tohru brought her tail to the table and cut into it, serving Izuku a piece.

Izuku was about to take a bite before he noticed Tohru just staring at him. "Aren't you going to eat Tohru-chan?" Izuku asked. "Nope!" Tohru exclaimed. "I'd feel bad if you don't eat," Izuku said with a concerned face. "Are you sure it's okay?" Tohru asked. "It's fine, Tohru. You live here with me, which means you have to eat to" Izuku explained. "Thanks, Izuku," Tohru said happily before she grabbed the rest of her tail and began to eat it like a savage animal ferociously. Izuku's eyes widened before he just focused on his own part of the meal.

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