CHAPTER NINE: Battle Aftermath

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Previously in CHAPTER EIGHT: Battle Training...

"Bakugo. Stop it now, kid. You trying to kill him?" All Might's voice shouted over the speakers. "He won't die if it's not a direct hit!" Bakugo shouted as he pulled the pin on his gauntlet, the pin letting out a 'ping' sound. A massive explosion erupted from Bakugo's gauntlet, the massive ball of fire careening towards Izuku.

Now in CHAPTER NINE: Battle Aftermath 

Tohru watched the viewing screen with horror filling her eyes. She watched as the explosion sped towards Izuku and covered him before the explosion destroyed the camera, leaving the screen to display nothing but static. "Izuku!" Tohru cried out, "We have to up there and help Izuku!" Tohru exclaimed while pointing to the screen. "It's not safe up there. We don't know if the structure of the building was compromised with that explosion," Momo said reasonably. "I don't care! My Izuku could be hurt up there, and no one is going to stop me from saving him!". Tohru tried to run out of the viewing room but was grabbed by Momo.

Momo held Tohru for a second before Tohru started to drag her along with her. "I can't hold her. I need some help over here!" Momo exclaimed. A teen with spiky red hair and another teen with multiple arms rushed over to try and hold Tohru back. Tohru started to struggle to put another foot forward. She could shake off the people holding her down, but she didn't want to hurt them. She was torn from saving her Izuku and not hurting his classmates.

Tears started to blur Tohru's vision as she struggled to get to the door to exit the viewing room. "Let me go! I have to save Izuku. He could be seriously injured up there," Tohru cried. All Might wanted to tell his students to let Tohru go. He was with Tohru to save Izuku, but he didn't want to risk everyone else's safety for fear that the entire building could collapse while they were still inside. "Damn this!" All Might cursed in his mind, "If only the cameras were working, we could see if Young Midoriya is okay."

As if they heard his request themselves, the cameras that were watching Izuku and his confrontation with Bakugo started to flicker back on. "The cameras are back online!" All Might's voice boomed. Tohru stopped and turned her head around. The other students let her go, and she ran to the monitors, frantically searching them for Izuku. Instead of crying tears of sadness, Tohru cried tears f happiness when she saw Izuku still standing, his feet planted into the ground and his arms up in an 'X' formation. At the same time, familiar green lightning crackled over his body. "He's alive!" Tohru exclaimed with relief, putting a closed hand over her chest.

Back with Izuku...

Izuku stood his ground, breathing heavily, feeling the burns on the parts of his body that took the brunt of the explosion's ball of fire. He gingerly lowered his arms as he glared across at Bakugo. "I wanna crush you at your strongest," Bakugo stated, seemingly unaffected by Izuku not having been blown back by his explosion. "Haha...Seems like you got some burns there, Deku". Izuku just continued to glare at Bakugo, not saying a single word, as the lighting began to dance around his body more frantically.

"Huh? What's wrong, Deku? Come on. You're not dead yet!!" Bakugo shouted. "That gauntlet is going to be a problem. I guess he's found a way to cover up for his lack of ranged attacks. If he's done that, then I have to assume that he's also taken into consideration that I know his way of fighting which means I can't fight him the same way twice," Izuku thought before he reached up to his earpiece to get a handle on Uraraka's progress.

"What's happening up there, Uraraka?!" Izuku said through the earpiece. "Oog, ignoring me, eh?" Bakugo said with an aggravated tone. Suddenly All Might's voice booming voice came on over the still working speakers installed in the building. "Bakugo. Use that move again...and I will forcibly end the match. You will lose. Using massive attacks like that indoors is just asking to have your stronghold destroyed! Whether Hero or Villian, it's a bad move! And a good way to lose points".

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