Announcement. Must Read.

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Hello to everyone who is reading this. I know it has been a while since the last chapter was posted. I know this isn't what you expected when you received a notification that this story was updated, but I felt like I had to tell everyone this.

I read over the entirety of Chapter Sixteen and looked over the comments on this site, and the other one I post on, and I have come to a decision. I will be re-writing Chapter Sixteen, and there for all the events that happened in that chapter, and the subsequential Lemon part of the chapter will no longer be a part of the story or 'Cannon' of my story.

I will be working on the rewritten Chapter Sixteen and will be working on Chapter Seventeen.

In the meantime, I would love some ideas for there to be some sort of conflict between Tohru and Izuku that can be dealt with at the Sports Festival.

In the meantime, have an amazing day and a wonderful life.


Published: Tuesday - September 27th, 2022 - 4:07 P.M.

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