CHAPTER FOUR: The Day of UA's Entrance Exam

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"U.A. High School Hero Course. This is the course that produced some of the greatest heroes this world has ever seen. One of the great students that graduated from here was my teacher, All Might". This thought ran through Izuku's head as he stared up at the arch of his dream school. The school he's dreamed of getting in ever since he was four years old. Now that All Might had chosen him as his successor and given him his quirk, One for All, he had a fighting chance.

"Let's do our best, Master Izuku!". Scratch that...the two of them had a fighting chance. Ever since Izuku told her that he planned on applying to U.A's Hero Course, she insisted on going with him. Her excuse was so that she can make sure Izuku was doing okay, but her real motive was just so that she could stay close to her Izuku and warn off any women that she thought would try and throw themselves at him and his well-toned body.

"Are you sure about this Tohru?" Izuku asked with a worried tone, "It's going to be dangerous." Tohru looked at Izuku before giving him a big smile. "I'm totally sure about this Master Izuku. I want to be able to stay by your side, plus..." Tohru's eyes shadowed over, and Izuku grew concerned, "I need to protect you from other females that will throw themselves at you because of your absolutely...ripped...body". Izuku had a sweat drop go down his forehead when he saw a small trickle of blood fall from Tohru's nose. In Tohru's mind, she was imaging Izuku and the jacked body he gained when he finished his task seven months into it.


The past seven months had been extremely hard for Izuku. Ever since Kanna came into his life, he had another reason for becoming a Hero who could protect everyone. After Kanna began to live with him and Tohru, he started to view her as the little sister he never had. With the motivation to protect the ones he loved, Izuku finished clearing the entire beach within seven months, three months ahead of schedule. The day that Izuku finished cleaning the beach, He climbed to the top of the final mountain of garbage and let outa primal cream into the brisk morning air.

Tohru was standing near the base of the mountain, staring up at Izuku and his abs. All Might, in his true form, walked right up next to Tohru. He couldn't help the shocked look come across his face when he saw not only the area he told Izuku to clean but the entire beach, cleared of trash in just seven months. "You've exceeded my expectations Young Midoriya!!" All Might shouted to Izuku. Izuku began to sway before falling down the mountain. All Might was about to catch him, but Tohru left his side in a blur of speed and caught Izuku before he hit the ground.

Tohru looked down at Izuku with a proud and warm smile. "You did it, Izuku," She said softly. Izuku looked up at Tohru with weary eyes. "It's because you believed in me, Tohru; I owe it to you." Tohru's eyes widened slightly as a blush adorned itself on her face. Tohru set Izuku down, and he stumbled a bit before righting himself. "Astounding! You're a real entertainer Young Midoriya" All Might said in his buff form as he walked up to Izuku with his phone in hand.

"Here, take a look," All Might said as he showed Izuku and Tohru his phone. "What's this...?" Izuku asked as the two looked at it and saw Izuku with his skinny body and noodle arms. "That's you ten months ago," All Might said. "You look so good now..." Tohru said as she stared at Izuku's abs, a little bit of drool falling from her mouth. "T-Tohru!" Izuku exclaimed in shock. All Might just let out a hearty laugh and said something about youth nowadays.

"The forward is even clearer now! You're a true vessel now!" All Might's voice boomed. Izuku let out a breath as he stared at his hand before clenching it. " I...cheated," Izuku said before tears started to fill the edge of his eyes and fall, "Getting all this help from you and Tohru." "You're wrong, Izuku," Torhu started, taking a step closer to Izuku, "You did all of this by yourself through your own efforts." Izuku looked up at Tohru and wiped the tears away. "Thanks, Tohru," Izuku said gratefully. "Anything for you, my love!" Tohru said happily.

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