CHAPTER NINETEEN: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.1

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Previously in CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Slowly Turning

"What is it? Are you going to say that I'm going to turn into a Dragon or something?" Izuku said, chuckling to himself. Tohru chuckled nervously at Izuku's words but didn't say anything. When Tohru didn't say anything to correct him, Izuku felt his heart drop in realization. "You don't mean...". "Yep. You're slowly turning into a Dragon".

Now in CHAPTER NINETEEN: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.1

The room was deathly quiet after the revelation. Tohru's full attention was on the hardwood floors, occasionally snatching glances up at Izuku as he processed the information. Izuku was looking at his hands, curling and uncurling them. He tried to imagine himself turning into a dragon, an actual dragon. All those moments when he felt small bits of overaggression, sudden and random burning pain in his chest, his memory going blanket at different moments. Tohru just explained all of it in just six words.

He looked over at Tohru and saw her looking down at the floor. He could practically feel the sham and sadness scrolling off her in waves. "Hey, Tohru." Tohru jumped at his voice and looked up at him tentatively. She was greeted with his famous thousand-watt smile that made her heart melt. "Thank you," Izuku said. Confusion immediately flooded Tohru's mind. "Why are you thanking me?! You're turning into a dragon because of me!" Tohru shouted, completely disregarding personal space and getting right up in his face.

"I'm thanking you because you didn't know that this would happen when you saved me. Also, because I know you would never intentionally do something like this to me," Izuku said, completely unfazed by Tohru's disregard for personal space. "Plus," Izuku said before placing a kiss on Tohru's lips, "I think this just brings you and me even closer than before," Izuku said with a smile. Tohru could feel her heart overflow with all the love Izuku was giving. She smashed her lips against his in a deep, emotionally filled kiss.

Against Tohru's instinct to take him right then and there, she regretfully remembered they had other duties to attend to. "We have to pick Kanna up from school today," Tohru whispered to Izuku in a husky tone. "Right," Izuku agreed. Tohru got off of Izuku before she shifted her clothes into her maid's outfit. "Give me a minute to change out of my uniform, and then we'll head out," Izuku said as he headed toward his bedroom. Tohru nodded before plopping herself back on the couch.

Tohru started to tap her hands against her legs, letting out a huff of impatience. "Alright!" Izuku shouted, stepping out of his room in a pair of jeans and a shirt with a cartoon dragon on it, "Let's go." Tohru smirked at the shirt before she latched herself to Izuku's side. It took them a few minutes to walk to Kanna's school. As the two walked the streets, they discussed their strategy for getting ready for the Sports Festival. They soon hit a roadblock in the conversation.

"I don't have to train Izuku!" Tohru said, exasperated. "I know you have a lot of power in this form Tohru, possibly even more in your dragon form, but that doesn't mean you don't have to train," Izuku tried to explain. "I'm the most powerful thing in this world! Why would I need to train!" She exclaimed. "Don't you remember what happened at the USJ?!" Izuku exclaimed. Tohru's mouth shut immediately as she recalled the events. She was filled with an overwhelming sense of sadness when she remembered that she had almost lost Izuku permanently that day.

"That creature, whatever it was, was able to match you in speed and power. It was also able to withstand your claw slashes. You had to use one of your more powerful moves just to defeat it," Izuku said in an exasperated tone. He then grabbed Tohru's hand and squeezed it tight, making the Dragon Girl look up at him. "I know you're strong, Tohru, but there will always be someone stronger than you out there. That's why we always train so that we are able to beat those who threaten our loved ones. I don't want to worry about you when you go out on a patrol, and I don't want you to worry about me when I do. I love you too much to lose you because your pride kept you from getting stronger," Izuku said in a soft tone.

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