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Previously in CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Tohru's Dragon Firepower

The three stood there, waiting, their breathing seemingly halted. All of a sudden, Izuku let out a massive gasp of breath and shot upwards. Before he could do anything, he was tackled and smothered by three pairs of breasts. "What's going on!" Izuku shouted, his voice muffled by the three. "You died again, but we revied you!" Tohru shouted happily. "I died? Wait! How did you revive me?" Izuku exclaimed, the realization of what happened just now dawning on him. "Elma and I kissed you. Tohru's kiss somehow failed to heal you," Lucoa explained. "Shut up!" Tohru yelled, pulling Izuku closer to her. Izuku's face went bright red before he couldn't handle the information and passed out.


Izuku's eyes slowly began to open. He squinted his eyes against the harsh sunlight that filtered through his room's window. A groan escaped his lips as he attempted to sit himself up. He flinched when he felt a pain in his chest. He removed the blanket that stubbornly clung to his bare chest and inspected himself. He was shocked to see a massive scar on his abdomen. He lightly dragged his fingers across discolored skin before the memories flooded his mind.

He remembered how the Nomu crushed his arm like it was a twig. He remembered the hand of the Nomu and how it was effortlessly thrust into his body. He rubbed around his neck, remembering how his throat was being crushed like an aluminum can. The last memory he had was seeing Tohru's grief-stricken face as his life slowly leaked from his body before it left him entirely. Izuku gripped the sheets of the bed with anger. He curled his hands into fists. He was furious with himself.

"How can I be a Hero if I keep getting myself killed? I'm just a useless waste of space," Deku said to himself, his anger at himself growing each second. His grip on his bedsheets loosened before he flopped back down on the bed. "I don't know what Tohru sees in me. I'm supposed to be a hero whos strong. I'm supposed to be a Hero who doesn't get himself killed every time. I don't know why Tohru would ever love somebody so weak". "Because Tohru doesn't love you just for your strength."

The new voice startled Izuku. He yelped in shock before looking toward the source of the voice. He visibly relaxed when he realized that it was only Lucoa. "H-how long have you been there?" Izuku asked hesitantly. Lucoa smiled before pushing herself off the frame of the door. "I've been here long enough, Izuku-baby." Lucoa walked over to Izuku's bed and took a seat at the end of it. They sat there in awkward silence before the former dragon goddess spoke.

"What I said is true." "Huh?" Izuku spoke, confused. "I said that Tohru doesn't love you just for your strength," Lucoa repeated. "How would you know that?" Izuku asked. "Tohru's my friend, and despite how I act all the time, I do care about the relationship between you and her," Lucoa said, surprising the greenete. "Forgive me if I'm being rude, but you really care about my relationship with Tohru?" Izuku asked, a little skeptical about Lucoa's words. Lucoa chuckled at Izuku.

"There is reason for your doubt. Don't get me wrong, I'm still trying to get a piece of you, but I know it would be better if Tohru had her first with you. Then maybe she might be more open about letting Elma and me having fun with you," Lucoa said. Izuku adopted a confused look across his face. "What are you talking about, Lucoa?" Izuku asked. "You'll find out soon," Lucoa said. Izuku shook his head before adorning a more severe look. "That still doesn't answer my first question, though."

"Right, that. Tohru doesn't love you because of your current strength or the strength you will have. What she loves about you is your big heart and selflessness and willingness to put others before yourself in life or death situations," Lucoa said before dawning a more serious look, "Where we come from, our home, is ravaged by war. A war between humans and dragons. Tohru has seen so much that she saw the worst in humanity. Then you saved her and showed her that some humans still had good in them."

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