CHAPTER FIVE: Over the Power Limit

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With Izuku:

Izuku and the girl stared up at the giant gates that were the entrance to City G. "So big," Izuku said, his nerves slightly racked from the sheer size of the city. That caused him to go stiff and tremble slightly. "How much money does this school even have to be able to build cities like this?" The brown-haired girl asked Izuku. "A lot," Izuku answered shortly. The girl let out an involuntary snort of amusement at Izuku's curt answer. "Well, good luck," The girl said as she walked off, waving at Izuku while doing so.

"G-good luck," Izuku called out meekly to the girl as she left. Izuku's head wandered around, looking at the other examinees. "Why's everyone so confident?! Aren't they nervous at all?!" Izuku wondered in his head before he noticed some gear on a few people. "Ah! They even have the equipment to match along with their quirks". Izuku gulped as he felt his chances of passing this exam plummet exponentially. Then he remembered the promise he made to himself. The promise is that he would protect all his loved ones and become a Hero to protect others.

"And begin!" Present Mic's echoed across the entire area. Everyone at Izuku's gate looked around in confusion as the gates began to open. "What's wrong? The test's already started. Run! Run! Run!" Present Mic shouted. Everyone at the gate charged into the faux city without hesitation. Izuku immediately began to panic and didn't move at all because of it. "I'm already falling behind! Move legs, Move!" Izuku ordered his legs, becoming more frantic with each second past.

"Calm down, Izuku," Izuku whispered to himself. He closed his eyes and took in a long, deep breath before letting it out. He did that a few more times before he snapped his eyes open, his eyes filled with determination as he charged into the city without hesitation this time. "I've already wasted two minutes at the front gate with means I only have eight minutes left to get points. From what I remember from the pamphlet I read before, there are four different robots, each worth different points. I need to find some if I have a chance at this," Izuku said to himself as he ran through the streets of the faux city.

A robot with a giant '1' painted on it bust through a wall in front of Izuku, sending rubble showering over the area. The One-Pointer locked its single eye with Izuku. "Target locked. Prepare for termination" The One-Pointer beeped. "Focus Izuku," Izuku said to himself as he crossed his arms in front of him in the shape of an 'X,' his eyes locked onto the One-Pointer. He began to remember the advice Tohru had given him about One for All a month after he received it.

Flashback: 3 PM at All Might's agency in his special training room. One month after receiving One for All.

"SMASH!!" Izuku shouted. Red veins spread across Izuku's body as he sends his power to his right arm. He struck a special punching bag that All Might used to train back when he was still new to One for All. It was designed to take the full brunt of All Might's punches but had a set limit it could take before it needed to be replaced. After Izuku struck the special bag, he could feel some of the bones in his arm break or shatter completely.

He grunted in pain as he held his arm, now completely purple from the end of his fingertips all the way up to his shoulder. "There has to be a better way to use your power, Master Izuku," Tohru said with a concerned tone and look as she gently lifted Izuku's arm. Izuku hissed and winced slightly from the action. Tohru held his arm with one of her hands as she held the other above his arm. Tohru closed her eyes and began to channel her magic into her palm.

Her hand glowed green before she placed it on Izuku's arm. His entire arm, only where the injuries were, glowed the same color before it slowly began to turn back to normal. After a few seconds had passed, Izuku had a fully healed and functioning arm again. Izuku tightened his hand into a fist a few times before looking at Tohru. "I don't know another way of doing it. I can't figure out a different way either," Izuku said. A light bulb lit itself above Tohru's head.

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