CHAPTER TEN: Spectation, Harmony, and Chaos

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Previously in CHAPTER NINE: Battle Aftermath...

"He's mistreated you for your entire childhood, and yet you still want to rekindle your friendship. That's one of the things I love about you, Izuku, you're able to see the good in people and look past their faults; you're just so kind". Izuku gave Tohru's hand a gentle squeeze while giving her his best, heart-warming smile. "Thanks, Tohru...I needed that". Tohru returned the smile. "Anything for you, my love."

Now in CHAPTER TEN: Spectation, Harmony, and Chaos

Tohru and Izuku walked to Kanna's school with their hands intertwined with each other. Kanna's school ad let out at the same time as UA, so by the time they got to her school, a few minutes later, Kanna was already standing outside at the entrance to the school talking to her friend Saikawa. "I know Saikawa has been Kanna's friend for a while now, but we've never really met her, have we?" Izuku asked. Tohru shook her head. "No, I don't think we have. Kanna's only talked about her before," Tohru replied.

"Maybe we should invite her over for dinner tonight?" Izuku proposed. "That sounds like an amazing idea Izuku!" Tohru exclaimed. "But we'll have to get permission from her parents first. They still have school tomorrow and probably won't want her to be at a stranger's house," Izuku said. "It never hurts to try and ask," Tohru said. "That is true," Izuku replied. Izuku and Tohru walked a few more steps before Kanna turned her head and noticed them walking towards her.

She grabbed Saikawa's and ran over to Izuku and Tohru, and stopped right in front of them. "Lady Tohru! Onii-chan! Can Saikawa come over for dinner tonight?" Kanna exclaimed with her usual flat tone that was elated. "That's weird," Both Izuku and Torhu thought at the same time. Izuku crouched down in front of the two. "Did you ask Saikawa's parents?" Izuku asked. Kanna nodded her head quickly. Izuku gave Kanna a skeptical look.

"Did you?" Izuku asked again. Kanna started to squirm nervously under Izuku's stare; she began to sweat bullets. Saikawa decided to step in. "My parents are going out tonight, Mr.Midoriya! And my sister is going out with friends as well. They said I could go as long as I got home before my bedtime". Izuku took in the information that Saikawa told him before smiled at the girl. "If that's the case, I don't see why not." "Yay, Onii-chan said yes!" Kanna exclaimed in her usual flat tone while hugging Saikawa.

Izuku and Tohru's eyebrows quirked upwards when they saw Saikawa's face go utterly red while she grinned goofily. Izuku stood back up and leaned over to Tohru and whispered into her ear, "You don't think...?" He asked. Tohru's body shuddered when Izuku's warm breath blew softly against her skin. She blushed before she nodded her head, "I-i do think," Tohru replied unsteadily. Izuku and Tohru outstertched their hands for Kanna and Saikawa to take. They took them eagerly, and they began the walk home to Izuku's apartment.

There was ideal chatter between the four. Like what they did that day and how their day was. "Mr.Mirdoriya, would it be okay if I asked you a question?" Saikawa asked with slight hesitation. "Ask away." Saikawa pointed to Izuku's sling. "Why is your arm in a sling?", she then moved her finger to point at Izuku's clothing, "And why are you wearing that odd costume? Are you a hero?!". Izuku smiled nervously and would scratch the back of his neck, but he was currently holding Kanna's hand while his other was in the sling.

"I'm a Hero in training. Tohru and I both go to UA High," Izuku said with a bit of pride in his voice. "Wow!" Saikawa gasped with awe, "Your quirk must be super-duper powerful to get into that school. What is your Quirk?". Izuku was startled; he honestly didn't have cover for One for All yet. He looked up at Tohru and sent her a silent message asking for her help. She shrugged her shoulders as if to say; you're on your own. "Oh thanks, Tohru," Izuku said to himself.

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