CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.3

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Previously in CHAPTER TWENTY: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.2

"Is that the Buster Hero Air Het's pack?!" Izuku exclaimed, "I love that guy. His agency used to be near my house!" As the two talked, Uraraka couldn't help but be jealous o the two. "Looks like they're fast friends," Uraraka thought with a blank look on her face. As the girl talked, Izuku began to look around the remaining students. "Losing Iida put a dent in my plans, but with Mei's help, we can make this work. Just on more now!" Izuku thought to himself as he zeroed in on his final choice. He took a step and marched determinedly towards their final teammate and put his hands on the person's shoulder, "You!"

Now in CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.3

Loud chattering could've heard from all the students participating in the sports festival as they all mingled and picked their teammates for the Calvary battle. Meanwhile, as this was going down, there was one group that was the main focus of a mysterious figure standing just under the massive lights that could shine their bright lights onto the field. The mysterious figure looked down at all the humans with a look of disgust on their faces. The one she held the most contempt for was one she knew as Izuku Midoriya.

She scrunched her nose up in disgust as she watched him mingle with a short female with brown, bob-cut hair. "Humans are disgusting creatures. Their existences are pitiful, not even worth crushing underneath my might. Yet, this human is the worst of them all," The figure spat venomously. The stranger watched as another female approached from behind him with weird devices all over her body. The stranger could help but feel galled at this human's blatant disregard. He was so easily conversing with other females, acting as if he didn't already have someone at home.

"He already has one female that he's mated with, and possibly two more females in the same living quarters. Now he plans to add to his harem? This human disgusts me!" The Stagner spat. The stranger tried to do something to this Human early when this whole event started, but he appeared to be just faster than she could track. That left only one option, to get in close. From what the stranger knew, the humans needed at least four people in a group, like a squad of knights, to do this battle. The stranger smirked as she saw that the male's group only had three total. This was a win-win for them. On one side, she could use her spell to show Tohru just what a piece of filth this human was. On the other side, she can prove it to Tohru by just being in the same group.

The stranger smirked as a rune formed below them. As their body began to glow, their form began to change and morph into a more, human, appearance. Still unseen by the naked eye, the stranger flew down to the ground and landed nearby to the male. She undid her perception-blocking spell and popped into existence. Now, she headed toward her objective with one singular goal in mind, to make Tohru see the true nature of humans, especially human males.

"You!" Izuku said as he placed his hands on the shoulders of his final team choice. There was a slight shift that went unseen by all in the arena. When the person turned around to face Izuku, he was stunned, to say the least. The person he had apparently put his hand on was a short girl with short salmon hair that went down to her shoulders with two bangs framing her face. She had two long strands that seemed to go down in a spiral that went to the base of her back. Her eyes were a brilliant pink with a narrow black slit down the middle.

Izuku was ashamed to admit it, but the first thing his eyes were drawn to was this girl's almost unnaturally large breast. "They're bigger than Tohru's," Izuku thought absentmindedly. He immediately felt ashamed of such a thought. "I just hope Tohru doesn't know I said that," He mumbled to himself. One other thing he noticed was the horns on her head and her large, reptilian arms. The more he thought about what the girl looked like, the more he came to realize something odd. "Wait, I'm sure I had my hand on someone else?" Izuku said with a confused tone.

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