CHAPTER TWENTY: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.2

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Previously in CHAPTER NINETEEN: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.1

The dual quirk user simply shrugged the guy's hand off. "I don't care. I'm not here to make friends," Todoroki said simply. Izuku clenched his fist tightly. "I don't know why you felt the need to tell me you'll beat me. Right now, I have no doubt you're stronger than me in raw power, but there's a difference between you and me," Izuku said as he stepped right up to Todoroki and looked him right in the eye. "I don't hold myself back. I give it my all when doing anything, and I'll be damned if I'll lose to someone who goes into everything half-heartedly,"

Now in CHAPTER TWENTY: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.2

The glare between both powerhouses was becoming increasingly intense with each passing second. Before something could happen, Iida stepped between them and pushed them apart. "This is not the place to be fighting. Please save it for the Sports Festival!" Iida said with a firm tone, looking in between the two teens. Izuku looked at Iida before sending one last glare to Todoroki and sighed frustrated. "Sorry, Iida," Izuku apologized before stepping away.

The students silently filed out of the waiting room shortly following the small argument between Izuku and Todoroki and made their way to the tunnel leading to the stadium's inner area. As they walked, they could hear the voice of Present Mic shouting on the loudspeakers. "The First-Year stage. The students are coming out!!" Present Mic announced. The first ones to come out of their tunnel were Izuku's class. "The First-Years of the Hero Course! It's Class A!!" Present Mic shouted.

Back at Izuku's apartment, Tohru watched the sports festival on the television alongside Lucoa. "Come on, Izuku! Kick their asses!" Tohru growled with a fist thrown up in the air. Lucoa just sat silently and continued to watch the screen while keeping an eye on Tohru, just in case she tried to destroy something. Lucoa knew from stories that she was told that when female dragons become pregnant, the closer they get to lay their egg, the more aggressive they get. Lucoa knew that Tohru was close to laying and was mildly surprised that she could hold her aggressive instincts back a bit.

Izuku looked around the entire stadium as they walked to their designated area. He swallowed a lump that was forming in his throat and constantly clenched his hand over and over again in an attempt to calm his nervousness. He might have a lot of power, most dormant, but that wouldn't change his core character. "Whoa, what a crowd," Izuku said shakily. "And we're expected to put on the best performance we can in front of so many spectators! I suppose this is merely one more necessary skill if we intend on becoming Heroes," Iida explained calmly.

"They're really giving us too much credit. But we won't let that shake us, right Bakugo?" Kirishima asked his spikey ash-blond friend. "Nope. Just gets me pumped up," Bakugo practically whispered. "Following Class B, It's Classes C, D, and E of General Studies! And here come the support course classes, F, G, and H! And the Bussiness Courses..." The rest of Present Mic's were lost to Izuku's ears. His mind was wandering between the festival and Tohru. He was worried for his Dragon Girlfriend. "Can I really call her my girlfriend if she's having my kid?" Izuku asked himself.

"What was that, Deku?" Uraraka asked, popping up from out of nowhere. "Wah! D-don't scare me like that, Uraraka!" Izuku stuttered. Uraraka giggled at Izuku before patting his back. "Guess we're all a bit nervous. But don't worry; we'll all do our best!" She said with a fist out. Izuku took in a breath before bumping fists with her. "We'll do our best," Izuku echoed. When all the students had gathered in front of a small stage, the First-Year Referee came out and walked to the center of the stage.

"Ooh! The first-year's ref this time is the R-Rated Hero Midnight!" A student whispered excitedly to their friend. "R-Rated Hero? Should she really be a High School Teacher with that sort of Hero costume?" Iida questioned. "Shut it!" Midnight shouted, the whip in her hand cracking as she struck the air above the students, "Pipe down! Your student representative is-" Her eyes wandered until they settled on Izuku and his messy green hair, "From Class 1-A, Izuku Midoriya!".

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