CHAPTER TWELVE: Villain's Assualt at the U.S.J.

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Previously in CHAPTER ELEVEN: This Is Only the Beginning

"Someone instigated this whole affair...Did some evildoer manage to slip in? or do they intend to wage some greater war".

Now in CHAPTER TWELVE: Villain's Assualt at the U.S.J.

Once the press was dealt with and forced out of U.A. Grounds, the students continued their regular school day. For Class One-A of the Hero Course, it was more of the basics like math and English. But once those classes were done and finished, it was time for Basic Hero Training. Once the clock hit twelve fifty, the bell rang out to announce the start of the next class. "Now for today's Basic Hero Training," Aizawa reported from behind his podium.

"This time, All Might, myself, and one other will supervise." "This time...? So it's a special class," Izuku wondered inside his head. "What are we doing exactly?!" Tohru exclaimed from behind Izuku with a raised hand. Aizawa let out a sigh before fishing around in his pocket. "Preparing you for disaster relief, from fires to floods," Aizawa pulled out a card with the word "Rescue" on it. "It's Rescue Training!!" The whole class exclaimed.

"Rescue, huh...Sounds like another rough day," Kaminari sighed. "Right!" Mina exclaimed happily. "Come on; this is what being a Hero's all about! I'm pumped!" Kirishima said with excitement and a closed fist. "I wonder if some of us will be saving each other as practice?" Yaoyorozu wondered. "If that's the case, I want Izuku to be the one saving me so I can give him a kiss as a reward for saving me," Tohru said with cheeks dusted lightly with pink. Izuku had his head down while writing in his notebook when he heard Tohru. His own cheeks were dusted lightly with pink when his mind immediately wandered back to earlier that day before they left his apartment.

"Hey. I'm not done yet," Aizawa said with a menacing glare, "It's up to each of you whether or not you wear your costumes as some of them are ill-suited to this sort of activity. The training site is a bit remote, so we'll be going by bus. That's all. Get ready". Aizawa had pressed the button on the remote, and the sections of the wall that held the class's costumes popped out. "Rescue Training! This'll help me become a great Hero and become a hero that can protect others," Izuku said in his head with a clenched fist. He looked back at Tohru and saw her smile at him, hardening his reserve.

Everyone quickly grabbed the suitcases with their costumes and rushed to the changing rooms. Tohru waited outside of the boys changing room until Izuku exited. They departed the building together and walked outside towards the bus that was parked out front. A few of the other students were already there and waiting for instructions to board the vehicle. Uraraka was talking with Mina when she saw Tohru and Izuku walk up. "Tohru! Deku!" Uraraka exclaimed, waving her hand in the air.

"Hey, Uraraka-san," Izuku called back, waving his own hand. Tohru just nodded her own head in greeting before swiftly turning it away. A sweat drop rolled down Uraraka's forehead while she chuckled nervously. When the pair had arrived, Uraraka noticed the difference in Izuku's Hero costume. "You wore your gym clothes, Deku? Where's your costume?" Uraraka asked curiously. "It didn't make it through battle trying in one piece. The school's support company is repairing it. Just gotta wait now," Izuku explained.

"All my hard work ruined by that poor excuse for a human," Tohru whined. "It's being repaired, Tohru, not destroyed. Your hard work is still a part of that costume," Izuku said reassuringly. "You're right!" Tohru exclaimed, surprising Uraraka with her quick change in mood. Izuku wasn't really surprised at all, having lived with Tohru for a while now. Tohru turned towards Izuku, "Thank you for reminding me of that, Izuku." Tohru launched herself at Izuku, but he reacted quickly and grabbed her shoulders.

"We don't want a repeat of this morning Tohru," Izuku said, a blush creeping its way onto his face. A deeper blush crept up onto Tohru's face. "R-right," Torihu said meekly before Izuku set her down. "Doesn't mean I didn't want something more to happen," Tohru whispered under her breath. "What was that, Tohru?" Izuku asked. "Nothing!" Tohru shouted, "Let's get on that bus!". Tohru quickly walked away with Izuku following her there, leaving confused Uraraka. "What happened this morning?".

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