CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Tohru's Dragon Firepower

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Previously in CHAPTER FOURTEEN: All Might Arrives

"Crap! Almost had 'im" Kirishima grumbled. "You're not all that. You misty bastard" Bakugo cursed. "Scum like you could never kill the Symbol of Peace," Todoroki said. "You're not getting away from me" Tohru growled when she arrived next to Izuku. "Tohru! Kacchan!...Guys!" Izuku said stunned. Shigaraki now stood in front of five aspiring Hero's, all ready to fight him and take him down.

Now in CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Tohru's Dragon Firepower

All Might broke free of the Nomu's grasp and leaped towards the group standing in front of Shigaraki. Shigaraki looked down at the pinned Kurogiri with no pity or amusement. "You've pinned down our way out. Well...This is a problem," He stated matter-of-factly. "You slipped up, you bastard! And it's just like I thought!" Bakugo exclaimed towards Kurogiri. "The parts you can turn into that misty warp gate are limited! And you're using that misty crap to hide your real body, yeah?! Am I right?! If your whole body was mist and physical attacks didn't work, you'd never say, 'That was a close one".

"I'm surprised, Bakugo. You actually have a brain," Tohru said with a smirk. "Shut up, lizard face!" Bakugo shouted angrily. Kurogiri tried struggling out of Bakugo's grip. Bakugo just held the misty Villain down harder. "Don't move!! If I decide that you're doing anything fishy, I'll blow your smoky ass up. They'll be cleaning you up for weeks," Bakugo threatened. "That doesn't sound very heroic," Kirishima said back at Bakugo.

"Not only have you beaten our level, but you're at full health..." Shigaraki started. "Does he think that this is a game or something?" Tohru whispered to Izuku, all the while keeping an eye on the Villain. "Who knows what that guy is thinking. I think that just makes him more dangerous," Izuku whispered back. "...Today's kids really are something...our league of villains should be ashamed...!". Shigaraki looked over towards where the Nomu's head poked through one of Kurogiri's portals.

"Nomu. Take out the explosive brat. We need our escape route back". The Nomu let out a screech before it began to struggle against the ice encasing half its body. Everyone watched in disgust as the Nomu tore its body apart, escaping the ice. The ice cracked and shifted as the Nomu struggled before it entirely shattered, letting half of the Nomu stand upon an unsteady leg. Everyone was shocked that the Nomu was still standing without half of its body.

"His body's falling apart, but...He's still moving," Izuku said, voicing everyone's thoughts. "I've seen a few other dragons do this, I've done this once before too, but it's excruciating and a last resort if you're trapped," Tohru breathed. Izuku shivered at the thought of Tohru being driven to tear her body in half just to escape. He never wants to see that happen. "Get back, everyone!!" All Might shouted, stepping in front of the students. "What the...?! I thought his Quirk was shock absorption," All Might said, confused.

"I don't remember saying that's all he can do. This is Hyper-Regeneration!" Shigaraki said with childish arrogance. Muscle exploded from the missing parts of the Nomu, making Izuku feel sick. "Nomu is a super-powered living sandbag designed to withstand everything you've got." Once the Nomu finished regenerating its body, it lunged towards Bakugo with great speed. It all happened in a blur to Izuku. "Kacchan!" Izuku shouted with fear, scared that his friend was injured or worse. He turned to his right and felt relief wash over his body at the sight of his unharmed friend. "I couldn't see a damn thing...!" Bakugo said in his head. "You dodged that?! Wow!" Kirishima exclaimed with awe. "I didn't. Shut up" Bakugo responded.

When the smoke that was created from whoever took the hit cleared, it revealed that All Might had taken the hit for Bakugo. All Might let out a few ragged coughs from all the dust. "This guy doesn't know how to hold back," All Might muttered to himself, spitting out some blood from his mouth. Shigaraki just looked at Bakugo and then All Might. "Anything to save a comrade, right? Just like earlier when, uh-" Shigarkai looked around until he spotted Izuku, fear etched in his face, and pointed at him. "-That one. The plain one. He came at me with everything he had. But violence in the name of saving others is admirable? Isn't it, Hero?" Shigaraki said, spitting the word 'Hero' with venom.

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