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Previously in CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Back to School

"Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events! The Olympics were once the world's sports festival. The whole country would be in a frenzy over it. But as you know, that tradition has shrunk in scale to the ghost of its former self. As far as Japan is concerned, what's taken the place of the Olympics is...The UA Sports Festival!".

Now in CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Slowly Turning 

"So it's like a competition to demonstrate one's strength and show how superior they are to others?" Tohru questioned Izuku. A sweatdrop ran down Izuku's forehead. "Y-yeah. Kind of," Izuku said, chuckling slightly. "The nation's top heroes will be watching, right?" Yaoyorozu stated, "They'll be there as scouts." Tohru was once again confused. "What are they scouting for?" She asked Izuku. "I'm not really sure, maybe to see if we have potential as future heroes," Izuku theorized.

"Naturally," Aizawa said, regaining the class's attention, "You'll gain valuable experience and popularity if a popular Pro Hero picks you up. But the time for you to do so is limited. You must show the Pros what you're made of here. Do that, and you'll make futures for yourselves. This happens once a year, so you only have three chances. If you're hoping to become a Pro, then this is an event you cannot afford to miss!". The homeroom period was over soon after that. The entire class was in a buzz about the Sports festival. The following three periods went by in a flash. The students of Class 1-A couldn't help themselves.

"Even after what we just went through, this has got me, so freaking pumped!" Kirishima exclaimed. "If we show our stuff, then we're one step closer to becoming pros!" Sero said, just as pumped as Kirishima. Izuku was up at the front with Tohru standing next to him. They were observing everyone talk excitedly about the upcoming Sports Festival. "Everyones really excited," Tohru commented. "And you aren't Midoriya?" Iida said, stepping up to both Izuku and Tohru. "Huh?" Izuku responded. "We must really come up with a way to disguise both of you. It will become very difficult in the future if both of you go by Midoroiya," Iida said.

"Just call me Deku, Iida. Everyone else already calls me that," Izuku said. "If that is alright with you, then I shall start calling you Deku...Deku," Iida responded. Izuku couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at Iida's reluctance to call him by his nickname. "You gotta let loose and not be so stiff, Iida," Izuku said with a hand on the man's shoulders. "Right, I will do my best!" Iida exclaimed. "Not doing good so far," Tohru whispered to Izuku. The three talked for a little bit more.

"Deku, Iida, Tohru," Uraraka said in a low tone. The three looked over at the girl but were slightly surprised to see an aggressive look of determination on her face. "At this sports festival. Let's do our best!". "What happened to your face Uraraka," Iida said, shocked. "What the?" Mina said from nearby, "You're not looking very Uraraka, Uraraka". "Everyone!" Urarka shouted, turning her almost scary face to the rest of the class, "I'm gonna crush this!". "I like her more like this," Tohru said. Izuku wasn't very surprised by this, but Iida very much was.

The class split up into groups and headed to the cafeteria for lunch. As they walked there, Izuku asked a question he hadn't asked Uraraka yet. "So Uraraka," Izuku said as the group of four walked down the hall. "Yeah. What is it, Deku?" Uraraka responded. "I haven't really asked anyone this at all, except for Iida just now, but I have to ask...why do you want to become a Hero?". Tohru saw Uraraka's smile go down in a second before it was replaced with an awkward smile.

"Mo...Money," Uraraka said unsurely. "You wanna be a Hero for the Money?!" Izuku said, shocked. "Ultimately, yeah," Uraraka said nervously whilst awkwardly rubbing the back of her head. "Ahhh! I'm sorry. I know it seems selfish, considering Iida's nobleness and all,". "You shouldn't feel bad for wanting money so you can live a life of luxury," Tohru said, daydreaming a little. "That's not the reason at all!" Uraraka shouted in an urgent tone, "My family runs a construction company, but business is bad. We're poorer than poor. Please don't mention that to anyone!" Uraraka pleaded.

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