CHAPTER SEVEN: The Quirk Tests

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Previously in Chapter SIX: The Start of a Hero's Career...

"Your fates are in our hands. Welcome, this is...The Hero course of UA High!".

Now in CHAPTER SEVEN: The Quirk Tests Begins

"The lowest scorer will be expelled?" A student with yellowish-blond hair and a black lightning-bolt shape in his hair said with disbelief. "It's only our first day! Even if it weren't, that's totally unfair!" Ochacao protested. "Natural Disasters...Highway Pileups...Rampaging Villains...Murder. Calamity is always right around the corner, just when you least expect it. I'd say Japan is full of unfair things," Izuku said while lowering his head to look at his hand before fighting it into a fist and looking up at Aizawa, determination in his gaze, "Hero's are the ones who correct all that unfairness and save the people and protect them at all cost."

Everyone except for Aizawa stares at Izuku with a shocked look on their faces. Tohru looked at Izuku fondly with a proud glint in her eye. "Couldn't have said it better myself, kid. Maybe you are the only rational one in this class," Aizawa said with a small grin. Aizawa turned his attention back towards the rest of the class. "For the next three years of your lives, UA will run you through the wringer. That's Plus Ultra. Use your strength to overcome it all," Aizawa began to taunt his class by doing motion with his pointer finger to come at him, "So bring it."

The first event of the Quirk Test was the Fifty Meter Dash. "Tenya Iida and Tohru...Midoriya?" Aizawa shook his head before he continued. "You're the first two up." Aizawa motioned towards a solid white line; its lanes stretched fifty meters. At the end of the long tack awaited a bot that would time when they crossed the finish line. Iida walked up to the line and began to do some light stretches. Tohru was about to walk up, but Izuku stopped her by playing his hand on her shoulder.

Tohru hummed and looked over her shoulder at Izuku. "Why did he say 'Midoriya' when he called your name?" Izuku asked with a puzzled look on his face. Tohru smiled brightly at Izuku. "Now that you and I are a couple, the next logical step is to get married," Tohru said with a wide and bright smile. "What do you mea...WHAT?!" Izuku shouted when he finally realized what Tohru said. Before Izuku and Tohru could exchange any more words, Aizawa spoke up. "Midoriya, quit holding us up," Aizawa said.

"Sorry, Aizawa-Sensei!" Izuku squeaked before looking back at Tohru. "Good luck Tohru," Izuku said before he stepped back. Tohru walked up to the solid white line and got ready. Before Aizawa could start the event, Tohru looked back at Izuku and winked at him before returning her attention to the task at hand. "Go!" Aizawa. Iida activated his quirk and went forward in a burst of speed. Before he could even move a quarter way of the track, a strong force that flew past him almost knocked him over.

"1.07 Seconds" The robotic voice of the timer spoke when Tohru crossed the line. "3.04 Seconds" The same robotic voice spoke when Iida crossed the line two seconds later. Tohru just stood there at the end of the line, glaring daggers at Iida. Iida flinched under her gaze before he coughed and adjusted his glass. "How did she even get past me so fast?" Iida asked himself before stepping aside and letting the others go. Next up was Ochaco with a guy that had a very muscular tail.

The test kept going until it got down to Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya. "You can do it, Izuku! I believe you!" Tohru shouted from the sidelines, gaining odd looks from the students and Aizawa. Aizawa rolled his eyes before looking back at Izuku and Bakugo as they readied themselves. Bakugo crossed his arms one over the other, his palms facing towards his left and right, respectively. Izuku stepped into a runner's position and began to focus his power. "I need to be able to use as much power as I can without injuring myself," Izuku said to himself before he closed his eyes.

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